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发布时间:2018-05-27 08:04

  本文选题:少数民族 + 典籍文化 ; 参考:《中央民族大学》2005年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国是一个统一的多民族国家,是世界上文明发达最早的国家之一,在数千年的历史发展中,56个民族共同创造了中国繁荣灿烂的文化艺术和辉煌的科学技术。但是,受自然地理条件和历代中央王朝“因俗而治”政策等因素的制约,少数民族地区的社会经济发展极不平衡。在20世纪50年代以前,资本主义生产以前的各种社会形态(原始社会形态、奴隶制社会形态、封建社会形态)在中国少数民族民族地区中均有不同程度的保留,正可谓是一种社会发展史的“活化石”。与各民族复杂的社会形态相适应,少数民族的社会政治制度、社会组织也是呈现出多样性。探讨中国少数民族社会形态及其向社会主义的过渡的问题,可以帮助我们认识在社会发展进程中,各民族发展所经历的共同规律,这对于我国实现全民族的共同繁荣有重要的作用。 本文将尝试着从宗教文化的视角对典型的民族社会政治制度进行分析。这是因为:宗教是世界上任何一个民族都发生过的普遍现象,从原始时代起,宗教就渗透到人们的一切行为当中,它对人类社会的政治、经济、文化等领域都曾有过深刻的影响,而宗教与政治的关系尤为密切。在少数民族文化典籍中,宗教类典籍所占比重很大,这为我们研究少数民族传统文化提供了大量的有价值的资料。 本文共分五部分。在“绪论”中,作者简单叙述本文写作的目的与意义。在第一章中,对中国少数民族的典籍概况与解放前少数民族地区的社会历史状况分别进行介绍。第二章“中国少数民族社会政治 制度的文化分析”,作者从地理环境、生态条件、民族经济的发展状 况及特点、历代中央政府的施政方针和宗教的影响等几个角度论述少 数民族多种社会政治制度形成的原因。第三章将重点剖析不同宗教文 化体系影响下的少数民族社会政治制度。本章在前两章的基础上进一 步分析社会政治制度与经济基础、政治与宗教之间的关系,并从宗教 文化影响的角度,分别剖析在原始宗教、藏传佛教、南传佛教、伊斯 兰教文化影响下的彝族、藏族、傣族、维吾尔族以及甘、宁、青三省 区的回、东乡、保安、撒拉等民族的社会政治制度。第四章“现代化 进程中的社会制度改革”介绍解放后,民族地区制度的变革和现代化 进程中的社会问题,并提出相应的解决办法。“结语”部分,总结性 地论述宗教与政治制度的关系,以及宗教在现代化进程中的影响和作 用,还有民族文化典籍在民族宗教与社会政治制度研究中的价值,由 此提出自己的观点:要积极引导宗教与社会主义相应,我们应该充分 发挥宗教的积极作用为社会主义现代化建设服务。 关键词少数民族,典籍文化,社会政治制度
[Abstract]:China is a unified multi-ethnic country and one of the earliest civilizations in the world. During the thousands of years of historical development, the 56 nationalities jointly created the splendid culture and art of China and the brilliant science and technology. However, limited by the factors such as the natural geographical conditions and the policies of the central king of the successive dynasties, the policy of "the rule of vulgarity" and so on. The social and economic development of the ethnic areas is extremely unbalanced. Before the 1950s, the various social forms before the production of Capitalism (primitive society, slavery society and feudal society) were preserved in different degrees in the ethnic minority areas of China. It is a "living fossil" of the history of social development. The social political system of ethnic minorities and the social organization are also diverse. The discussion of the social form of ethnic minorities in China and the transition to socialism can help us to understand the common laws of the development of all nationalities in the process of social development, which is realized in our country. The common prosperity of the whole nation has an important role to play.
This article will try to analyze the typical ethnic social and political system from the perspective of religious culture. This is because religion is a universal phenomenon of any nation in the world. From the original era, religion has penetrated into all people's actions, and it has been deep in the political, economic, cultural and other fields of human society. The relationship between religion and politics is particularly close. In the minority cultural classics, the proportion of the religious classics is very large, which provides a lot of valuable information for us to study the traditional culture of ethnic minorities.
This article is divided into five parts. In the introduction, the author briefly narrates the purpose and significance of this article. In the first chapter, the general situation of the Chinese Minorities' classics and the social and historical situation of the minority areas before liberation is introduced. The second chapter "the social political governance of the Chinese minority nationalities."
The cultural analysis of the system is based on geographical environment, ecological conditions and the development of national economy.
And the characteristics of the past, the policy of the central government and the influence of religion in the past few aspects are discussed.
The third chapter will focus on the analysis of different religious texts.
This chapter is based on the first two chapters.
To analyze the relationship between social political system and economic foundation, between politics and religion, and from religion.
From the perspective of cultural influence, it is analyzed respectively in primitive religion, Tibetan Buddhism, Southern Buddhism, and Isis.
The Yi, Tibetan, Dai, Uygur, and Gansu, Ningxia and Qinghai provinces under the influence of the LAN culture.
The social and political system of the Hui, Dongxiang, security, Sarah and other ethnic groups. The fourth chapter is "modernization.
The reform of social system in the process "introduces the reform and modernization of the system in ethnic minority areas after liberation.
Social problems in the process, and put forward the corresponding solutions.
This article discusses the relationship between religion and political system, and the influence and work of religion in the process of modernization.
And the value of national culture and classics in the study of national religion and social political system.
This puts forward our own view: we should fully guide religions to correspond with socialism.
We should give full play to the positive role of religion and serve the socialist modernization drive.
Keywords ethnic minorities, classics culture, social and political system


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