[Abstract]:The Eastern Han Dynasty was the key period for the development of the ancient Chinese etiquette system. After the development of emperor Guang Wu Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the late Ming emperor to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the "ceremony" has been further integrated and systematized since the early Qin Dynasty. The construction of the ceremony in this period mainly concentrated on the emperor Guang Wu and the Ming emperor in the two dynasties. The ceremony of the period of the emperor of light and martial arts was mainly concentrated on the ceremony, and the ceremony was mainly concentrated on the ceremony, and the ceremony was mainly concentrated on the ceremony, and the ceremony was mainly concentrated on the ceremony, and the ceremony was mainly concentrated on the ceremony, and the ceremony was mainly concentrated on the ceremony of the emperor in the period of the emperor. In the period of the Ming emperor, the ceremony of the three Yongdi, the five suburban rites and the Shang mausoleum were included in the period of the Ming emperor. The construction of the ceremony of the Eastern Han Dynasty inherited the ceremony of the Western Han Dynasty, but also reflected its own characteristics. After Zhang emperor, the construction of the system of etiquette was gained and perfected on the basis of the former generation, but the effect was due to the country's turmoil. It's not as good as the previous generation.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学文学院;
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