发布时间:2018-07-20 21:29
【摘要】:唐代是我国历史上的黄金时期,政治稳定,经济文化高度发达,疆域辽阔,对外交流频繁,种种因素促使唐代旅游之风盛行。与此同时,佛教作为一种外来文化,自两汉之际传入中国以来,发展迅速,到唐代进入鼎盛时期。较为宽松的佛教政策以及众多士大夫信徒的支持,促使佛教寺院大量兴建,当时长安、洛阳以及南方的许多寺院,其前身多为达官贵人的私宅花园,风景优美,收藏丰富。同时,宗教责任赋予寺院独特的开放性,不论等级,富贵贫贱之人皆可进入。正因如此,佛教寺院以其独特秀丽的景观建筑吸引了大批的旅游者,成为唐代旅游资源的重要组成部分。因此,在唐代丰富多彩的旅游活动中,佛寺旅游以其独特的近便性和开放性,成为唐代旅游不可忽视的一部分,具有重要的研究价值。 本文致力于研究唐代佛寺这一重要的人文旅游资源。全文除了绪论和结语部分外,主要分为唐代佛寺的旅游功能、唐代佛寺旅游活动的概况以及唐代佛寺旅游活动的特点及影响三大部分,通过对这三大内容的研究,试图展现唐代佛寺旅游的全貌。 第一部分是论文的第一章,也是论文最重要的部分,主要考察唐代佛寺的旅游功能。第一节主要探讨寺院饮食这一旅游功能。寺院饮食种类繁多,归纳起来主要包括寺院素斋、寺院品茶和寺院其它特色饮食。第二节主要探讨寺院的住宿功能。唐代佛寺多处于地理位置优越,山清水秀,景色优美之处,因此前来以住宿作为旅游目的的游人也不在少数。这一旅游功能大致包括消遣性的避暑纳凉、学习性的读书习业、临时性的路经投宿以及沐浴等其它住宿功能。第三节着重探讨唐代佛寺的游览功能。唐代士庶百姓喜好旅游,他们进入佛寺主要游览观赏的对象,即本节要研究的内容,大致分为山水园林、寺院建筑及收藏和其它寺院景观。 第二部分是论文的第二章,主要考察唐代佛寺旅游活动的概况。涉及唐代佛寺旅游活动的主要人群、佛寺旅游活动的主要时间以及佛寺旅游活动的代表人物三个方面。唐代佛寺旅游活动的主要人群包括帝王旅游者、官僚士大夫、普通民众和妇女阶层。其中,针对妇女阶层参与佛寺旅游的研究是本文的一大亮点,这一阶层不仅包括皇族贵妇、普通妇女,甚至还有地位极其低贱的姬妾和妓女阶层,她们同样是唐代重要的佛寺旅游者。唐代佛寺旅游活动的主要时间,笔者根据对所搜集资料的整理和分析,发现唐代佛寺旅游活动主要集中在两个时间段:为逐春风入香刹之春游和瑟瑟秋风,悲喜交加之寺院秋游。对于唐代佛寺旅游活动的代表人物,笔者从众多的旅游者选出了处士张祜和寺院旅游专业人士——段成式作为研究对象。 第三部分是论文的第三章,主要考察唐代佛寺旅游活动的特点及影响。唐代佛寺旅游活动的特点主要包括三个方面:第一,近便性与世俗化的结合。在可参与性强的基础上,又更多地融合世俗的因素在内,从而更加贴近民众生活。第二,开放型与差别化的并存。佛寺旅游活动覆盖人群广泛,富贵贫贱之人均可进入游览观赏,但同时也存在等级性的因素在内。第三,“野寺”游览——独特的旅游韵味。“野寺”的存在,也是唐代佛寺旅游的一大闪光点,虽然涉足的旅游人数较少,但其独特的旅游韵味绝对不容忽视。唐代佛寺旅游活动的影响主要体现在有利于佛教文化的传播和发展、有利于巩固唐王朝的统治以及丰富唐人的日常生活三个方面。
[Abstract]:The Tang Dynasty is the golden period in the history of our country , political stability , high economic culture , vast territory and frequent foreign exchange . At the same time , Buddhism , as a foreign culture , has been developed rapidly in the Tang Dynasty . At the same time , the Buddhist temple has attracted a large number of tourists from both Han and Han Dynasties , which has become an important part of the tourism resources of Tang Dynasty . Therefore , in the colorful tourism activities of Tang Dynasty , Buddhist temple tourism has become part of the tourism unneglected in Tang Dynasty , and has important research value .
This paper is devoted to the study of the important cultural tourism resources of Buddhist temple in Tang Dynasty . In addition to the introduction and the conclusion part , the thesis is divided into the tourism function of the Buddhist temple in the Tang Dynasty , the general situation of Buddhist temple tourism activities in Tang Dynasty and the characteristics and influence of the tourism activities of the Buddhist temple in Tang Dynasty .
The first part is the first chapter of the thesis , which is also the most important part of the thesis , mainly investigating the tourism function of Buddhist temple in Tang Dynasty .
The second part is the second chapter of the thesis , mainly investigating the tourism activities of Buddhist temple in Tang Dynasty . The main group of the tourism activities of Buddhist temple in Tang Dynasty includes three aspects : monarch tourists , bureaucrats , ordinary people and women ' s stratum .
The third part is the third chapter of the thesis , mainly investigating the characteristics and influence of the tourism activities of Buddhist temple in Tang Dynasty .
[Abstract]:The Tang Dynasty is the golden period in the history of our country , political stability , high economic culture , vast territory and frequent foreign exchange . At the same time , Buddhism , as a foreign culture , has been developed rapidly in the Tang Dynasty . At the same time , the Buddhist temple has attracted a large number of tourists from both Han and Han Dynasties , which has become an important part of the tourism resources of Tang Dynasty . Therefore , in the colorful tourism activities of Tang Dynasty , Buddhist temple tourism has become part of the tourism unneglected in Tang Dynasty , and has important research value .
This paper is devoted to the study of the important cultural tourism resources of Buddhist temple in Tang Dynasty . In addition to the introduction and the conclusion part , the thesis is divided into the tourism function of the Buddhist temple in the Tang Dynasty , the general situation of Buddhist temple tourism activities in Tang Dynasty and the characteristics and influence of the tourism activities of the Buddhist temple in Tang Dynasty .
The first part is the first chapter of the thesis , which is also the most important part of the thesis , mainly investigating the tourism function of Buddhist temple in Tang Dynasty .
The second part is the second chapter of the thesis , mainly investigating the tourism activities of Buddhist temple in Tang Dynasty . The main group of the tourism activities of Buddhist temple in Tang Dynasty includes three aspects : monarch tourists , bureaucrats , ordinary people and women ' s stratum .
The third part is the third chapter of the thesis , mainly investigating the characteristics and influence of the tourism activities of Buddhist temple in Tang Dynasty .
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2 王玉成;唐代旅游研究[D];河北大学;2009年