[Abstract]:The drinking ceremony in Yili Township and its related articles contain the regulations on the use of canine animals in the aristocratic reception. The rural drinking ceremony, the village shooting ceremony, the Yan ceremony and the big shooting ceremony held in accordance with this regulation all have the nature of canine eating banquets. If you don't take into account the festival, the ritual of drinking in the countryside is actually a "dog meat feast." Compared with the system of using animals in Zhou Dynasty, the regulations of the special dog animals mentioned in "Yili" were not the general rules of drinking rites and similar cocktail parties in the countryside at that time, but probably just the special habits of Lu and its neighboring areas. In the Spring and Autumn period of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Lu retained more factors of commercial culture, and the custom of using dogs and animals in the drinking ceremony in this area was that it followed the tradition of dog animals commonly used in Shang nationality and dog meat preferring to eat dog meat. To distinguish the nature and source of canine eating custom in "Rural drinking ritual" is helpful to fully and accurately understand the historical value of "Yi Li" and the regional difference of etiquette and custom in Zhou Dynasty.
【作者单位】: 山东大学历史文化学院;
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