发布时间:2018-08-29 12:44
【摘要】:从政重德,是中国传统文化和中华传统美德重要的组成部分。中国各朝各代统治者都十分重视官员的道德水平建设,元代之前如此,元代也不例外。本文不再宏观地研究中国古代官德思想,而是细化到元代,通过考察元代官德思想的渊源、内容、价值意蕴和意义影响,达到以史为鉴、古为今用的目的。 元代官德思想源远流长,先秦时期、秦汉魏晋时期、隋唐宋金时期的官德思想对元代官德思想的形成和发展都有深刻地影响。元代是中国历史上第一个由少数民族建立并统一全国的王朝,这一历史背景决定了元代官德思想的特殊性。元代官员张养浩以三十载的为官经验著成的《三事忠告》,告诫官员要心诚爱民、公正无私、廉洁自律;思想家赵素的《为政九要》从九方面对官员从政做出规范;张光祖的《言行龟鉴》更是直接列出了官员应具备的品行,等等。这些思想在维护元代统治、净化官场环境、引导社会风气方面起了积极作用;直接影响了明清官德思想建设。但以抽象人性论为基础,过度依赖软性道德自律的元代官德思想不免存有瑕疵。本文以列举张养浩、赵素、张光祖等人的官德思想为核心,,意在阐发其中的合理成分对于社会主义现代化建设的积极意义,并试图寻找新形势下加强官员官德建设的一些具体途径。
[Abstract]:Political ethics is an important part of Chinese traditional culture and Chinese traditional virtue. The rulers of all dynasties in China attached great importance to the construction of the moral level of officials, before the Yuan Dynasty, and the Yuan Dynasty was no exception. This article no longer studies the Chinese ancient official morality thought macroscopically, but refines to the Yuan Dynasty, through the investigation Yuan Dynasty official morals thought origin, the content, the value implication and the significance influence, achieves the purpose of learning from the history and using the past for the present. The thought of official morality in Yuan Dynasty has a long history. In the pre-Qin period, the period of Qin, Han, Wei and Jin dynasties, the period of Sui, Tang, Song and Jin dynasties, the thought of official morality has a profound influence on the formation and development of the thought of official morality in Yuan Dynasty. The Yuan Dynasty was the first dynasty established and unified by ethnic minorities in the history of China. This historical background determined the particularity of the thought of official morality in Yuan Dynasty. Zhang Yanghao, an official of the Yuan Dynasty, made the "three things advice" with 30 years of experience as an official. He warned officials to love the people honestly, be impartial, be honest and self-disciplined, and the thinker Zhao Su's "the Nine for the Government" should regulate officials' participation in politics from nine aspects. Zhang Guangzu's words and deeds Tortoise is a direct list of officials should have the character, and so on. These thoughts played a positive role in maintaining the rule of the Yuan Dynasty, purifying the official environment and guiding the social atmosphere, and directly affected the construction of the ideology of official morality in the Ming and Qing dynasties. However, on the basis of abstract theory of human nature, the thought of official morality in Yuan Dynasty, which relies too much on soft moral self-discipline, is flawed. This paper focuses on enumerating the official moral thoughts of Zhang Yanghao, Zhao Su, Zhang Guangzu, etc., in order to elucidate the positive significance of the reasonable elements in the construction of socialist modernization. And try to find some concrete ways to strengthen the construction of official morality under the new situation.
[Abstract]:Political ethics is an important part of Chinese traditional culture and Chinese traditional virtue. The rulers of all dynasties in China attached great importance to the construction of the moral level of officials, before the Yuan Dynasty, and the Yuan Dynasty was no exception. This article no longer studies the Chinese ancient official morality thought macroscopically, but refines to the Yuan Dynasty, through the investigation Yuan Dynasty official morals thought origin, the content, the value implication and the significance influence, achieves the purpose of learning from the history and using the past for the present. The thought of official morality in Yuan Dynasty has a long history. In the pre-Qin period, the period of Qin, Han, Wei and Jin dynasties, the period of Sui, Tang, Song and Jin dynasties, the thought of official morality has a profound influence on the formation and development of the thought of official morality in Yuan Dynasty. The Yuan Dynasty was the first dynasty established and unified by ethnic minorities in the history of China. This historical background determined the particularity of the thought of official morality in Yuan Dynasty. Zhang Yanghao, an official of the Yuan Dynasty, made the "three things advice" with 30 years of experience as an official. He warned officials to love the people honestly, be impartial, be honest and self-disciplined, and the thinker Zhao Su's "the Nine for the Government" should regulate officials' participation in politics from nine aspects. Zhang Guangzu's words and deeds Tortoise is a direct list of officials should have the character, and so on. These thoughts played a positive role in maintaining the rule of the Yuan Dynasty, purifying the official environment and guiding the social atmosphere, and directly affected the construction of the ideology of official morality in the Ming and Qing dynasties. However, on the basis of abstract theory of human nature, the thought of official morality in Yuan Dynasty, which relies too much on soft moral self-discipline, is flawed. This paper focuses on enumerating the official moral thoughts of Zhang Yanghao, Zhao Su, Zhang Guangzu, etc., in order to elucidate the positive significance of the reasonable elements in the construction of socialist modernization. And try to find some concrete ways to strengthen the construction of official morality under the new situation.
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