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发布时间:2018-09-14 14:33
[Abstract]:"Sinicization" is a historical phenomenon in which the minority nationalities of China merge with the Chinese culture and transform their own culture. It is an important channel for the formation of the Chinese culture in a monistic and pluralistic pattern. The advocate of "Sinicization" is often a minority upper class figure who enters the Central Plains, and its performance is often non-violent and carried out from top to bottom through the form of laws and regulations. "Sinicization" is an open system in which the lower culture draws close to the high culture. There is also the integration and absorption of minority cultures by Han nationality culture. There have always been some mistakes regarding the Sinicization of ethnic minorities in history. Some people think that "Sinicization" is a forced means by the Han rulers to "assimilate" minority groups, thus stifling their ideological and ideological resistance. Some people in foreign countries even mistook that "Sinicization" was the result of the extinction of minority culture, the supremacy of Han nationality's category, and the enforcement of its own culture. If we lift the curtain of history and sweep away the dust of the years, we can explain and define the phenomenon of Sinicization that occurred in the dynasties established by the Chinese dynasties, especially the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Pre-Qin Dynasty, the Liao Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty, and so on. It will be found that the so-called "Sinicization" is mainly a historical phenomenon in which the minority ethnic groups in China take the initiative to draw closer to the Chinese culture and its core Confucian culture, so that it can be integrated into and transform its own national culture. It is this kind of "culture" that draws close to the Chinese culture and its core "Confucian culture" and forms the Chinese culture which is monistic, pluralistic and recognized by all ethnic groups. This is why China will not disintegrate and there is strong cohesion among all ethnic groups in China. This paper tries to discuss the contents and methods of "Sinicization", the process and outcome of its implementation, and so on, from the aspects of the advocates of "Sinicization", the contents and methods of Sinicization.
【作者单位】: 安徽省社科院


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