[Abstract]:From the Qin and Han dynasties to the Qing Dynasty, the price of grain per stone in China (such as rice in the south, millet in the north, sorghum) is 30-130 dollars in the Han Dynasty, 250-500 in the Wei, Jin and the Southern and Northern dynasties, and 250-500 in the Wei, Jin, and the Southern and Northern dynasties. From the early Tang Dynasty to the prosperous Tang Dynasty, 50-200, 200-400 in the late Tang Dynasty; 200-700 in the Northern Song Dynasty, 1000-1500 in the Southern Song Dynasty; 250-300 in the early Ming Dynasty and 400 in the mid and late Ming Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty Shunkang 300-800, Kangqian 1000-1600, Jiadao to the late Qing 2000 more. In general, the early period of each dynasty, especially the early Tang Dynasty, the prosperous Tang Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, the economic prosperity, the political prosperity, at this time the grain price is extremely low and stable, people often have the grain base to hurt the farmer sigh. At the beginning of Han Dynasty every stone grain 30-40, the early Ming and Qing dynasties are 300 languages. Because the bucket of the Ming and Qing dynasties was four times larger than that of the Han Dynasty, the grain price changed little in the past two thousand years. In addition, the difference in grain prices in the region is very large.
【作者单位】: 山东大学历史文化学院
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