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发布时间:2018-11-08 12:32
[Abstract]:Since the Shang Dynasty about 4000 years ago, there has been written worship system in China. The system of sacrificial rites is the ancient version of the system of heritage protection, which is comparable to the system of heritage entry in the modern West. The "Law of Rites and sacrifices" establishes that "the law shall be applied to the people and the people will be sacrificed to sacrifice it, if the law is applied to the people, they will be sacrificed to the state of labor, and they will be sacrificed if they are able to resist the great disaster." The five principles that can defend the great disaster is the earliest written record of the entrance system of worship. The record of the passing on of the Shang Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty, and the activities of offering sacrifices to the famous mountains and rivers of the three dynasties of the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties are the earliest. Specific use of the ritual of clear records. In this paper, from the five principles established in the Law of sacrifice, a legacy login system that has existed for more than three thousand years, the worship of saints and the cultivation of the consciousness of heritage protection, this paper is cited through a large number of documents and information. This paper explains the fact that the system of worship is the ancient system of heritage protection in Chinese history.
【作者单位】: 东南大学旅游规划研究所;


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