[Abstract]:The evolution of the Wensan stage stagnated in the Southern Dynasty, but rapidly advanced in the Northern Dynasty. The reason is that in the Northern Dynasty, the officials were taught to the officials, so that it evolved into the rank of rank, but the concept of "culture and military turbid" in the Southern Dynasty hindered the generalization of similar phenomena. There were two kinds of "grade grades" in Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties: one was the "order of the gate", which was composed of the family, the middle and the "Qing turbid", which was the product of the gentry politics; The other is the rank represented by the "official order", it is more meritorious color. The evolution of the rank of the Northern Dynasty benefited from the "pull" of the rank, which laid the foundation for the return of the rank system to bureaucrat politics in the Tang Dynasty.
【作者单位】: 北京大学历史系!北京100871
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