[Abstract]:The Spring and Autumn League ceremony always "read" and then "blood." The League is read out by the League, which is likely to be one of the historians. At the same time, there are two phenomena in the oath: "Reading by the League" and "Reading by the Blood". As for the way of swearing blood, the traditional "drinking blood with mouth" is more in line with the historical facts, "painting lips with blood" can not be believed. The Confederate must hold the ear, and those who hold the ear must be the Confederate. The bull ear and the bull ear are related to each other and different from each other, and cannot be confused. The power, rank and inferiority, the political situation and the relationship between the subject and the object are the main factors that influence which party is in charge of the alliance ceremony and the strong and weak state of the country, the rank and the inferiority of the state. Only by taking these four factors into consideration, can we find out the inherent order of historical events and the rationality of reality under the background of "etiquette, bad music and avalanche".
【作者单位】: 华中师范大学历史文献研究所;
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