[Abstract]:To explore the special way of the origin of the Chinese state, in the past, there was a tendency to ignore the views and methods of ethology. When filling this deficiency, this paper introduces the framework of the theory of the state, and holds that there was a stage of the state at the end of the primitive society in China. Until the 19th century, the political structure of the WA nationality, Dehong Jingpo nationality and Xishuangbanna Dai nationality, which was in different time chains in Yunnan Province, represented a kind of development sequence of the Chiefdom system. This sequence corresponds to several stages of the transformation sequence from primitive society to civilization and state in the prehistoric Central Plains. This paper tries to combine the historical data of ethnography with the conjecture of archaeology organically, and makes an in-depth explanation of the topic.
【作者单位】: 中山大学人文科学学院人类学系
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