[Abstract]:In Qing Dynasty, Wei Institute abolished the hereditary command of Ming Dynasty, so that thousands of households and 100 households were changed to the guard of officials, thousands, 100, and guards, all of which were selected by the Ministry of the Civil Service. Wei Qian, Wei hundred become guard, guard the thousands of total officials, the scope of jurisdiction is no longer limited to thousands, 100 households. With the abolition of the military functions of the Institute of Health, the military attache of the Institute is left with only administrative affairs, and the collection of grain has become the most important thing, but in the matter of criminal name, the military attache of the Institute has not obtained the same power as the local civilian officer. In order to be competent for administrative positions, the military attache of the Institute of Health in Qing Dynasty was gradually established from a variety of sources. Although we try to make up for it, handling administrative affairs with military attach 茅 s is the institutional defect of the official system of health institutes in Qing Dynasty. In order to finally get out of the system predicament, we can only abolish the health stations, merge them into states and counties, and return to the normal track of managing local administration with civilian officials.
【作者单位】: 北京大学国家发展研究院
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