Qiang ethnic group religion and culture a summary of studies
A Summary of Studies on the Religion and Culture of Qiang Ethnic Group Both at Home and Abroad
DENG Honglie(School of Politics,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610064)
Abstr:Researches in the religion and culture of Qiang ethnic group with modern theoretical system started at the beginnings of the 20~(th) century.Some pioneering studies on these subjects before the founding of the People's Republic of China initially described the general picture and essence of the religion and culture preserved among the Qiang people.The next three decades has not witnessed any substantive breakthroughs in the field.Since the early 1980's,researches in religion and culture of the Qiang ethnic group can be described to be both dynamic and fruitful and becoming more faithful to the nature of the Qiang traditional culture.It is expected that more in-depth and meticulous research work should be done about the unique religious and cultural phenomena of the Qiang people with emphasis upon their connotations and historical changes along with comparative studies of differences and similarities in religion and culture among the Qiang,Tibetan and Han.Special attention should be paid to studies of the Qiang priest —— "Shibi".If the research work in the said area is carried out in such a way and constantly enriched and improved in practice,the basic direction of studies on the religion and culture of Qiang ethnic group will be established and the research work will be more prosperous and more fruitful in the future.
Keyword::Qiang ethnic group religion and culture a summary of studies
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