发布时间:2018-01-05 05:08
本文关键词:《景德传灯录》研究 出处:《复旦大学》2004年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 景德传灯录 版本 文学性 传灯玉英集 宋代诗注
【摘要】:《景德传灯录》为北宋真宗朝,吴僧道原所作之禅宗灯史。其书集录自过去七佛,,及历代禅宗诸祖五家五十二世,共一千七百零一人之传灯法系。此书编成之后,道原诣阙奉进,宋真宗命杨亿等人加以刊定,并敕准编入大藏流通,故《景德传灯录》在宋、元、明各代流行极广,对教界文坛俱有甚深之影响。禅师常云之一千七百则公案即指此书,而在文人诗歌中,“读《传灯》”几成参禅之同义语。然受近世禅宗研究重前期禅史研究之风气影响,学界对此书少有著意,实有深入研究之必要,此则为笔者撰述本文之原因。 全文主体共五章,前为引言,后为附录。引言部分对近世禅宗研究及《景德传灯录》研究之状况进行了回顾,并阐明本论文所采用之方法及所持之视角。第一章为《景德传灯录》成书研究。首先论述宋代佛教史学之概况及灯录体制之形成,以见道原编集是书之学术背景。其次对《传灯录》作者承天道原之生平做进一步之考察,并考述其编集此书时所用之资料。《传灯录》编成之后,曾经杨亿、李维、王曙校定,故第三节,对此三人之生平行履及与佛教之关系予以考察,并据史料对三人校订《传灯录》之时间进行推测。第二章为《景德传灯录》的刻印与版本。首先据史书与书目之记载,考定《传灯录》初刻之时间、面貌与入藏等问题。《传灯录》编成之后,历代皆有刻印,故第二节主要考察历代刻印《传灯录》之情况。第三节对现存版本予以介绍,并据现存版本之异同,对《传灯录》版本源流做一系统考察。第三章为《景德传灯录》注文研究。本章将《传灯录》注文分为道原、杨亿原注与后世附注二类,并对注释之体例与内容进行深入之讨究,并对后世附注所引之书予以考察。第四章为《景德传灯录》的文学性研究。首先探讨《传灯录》所表现的记事艺术。第二节主要论述禅语中所用之修辞手法。第三节着重讨论《景德传灯录》中富有文学特色的体裁,即独立成篇的偈颂歌诗。第四节则重点论述夹杂于师资酬对中不成篇的诗歌断句。第五章则为《景德传灯录》对宋人之影响,首先论述宋人对此书的总体接受情况,次以王随为个案,讨论其抄集《传灯录》之作《传灯玉英集》。《传灯录》收禅师一千七百余人,禅家典实几网罗殆尽,此书实有禅家类书之性质,宋人诗注多喜引《传灯录》解释有关佛法、禅宗之语言与典实,故第三节讨论宋人诗注对此书的应用。附录集录历代书目对《景德传灯录》的著录。
[Abstract]:"Jingde Legend Lantern Records" is the history of Zen Lantern made by the Northern Song Dynasty and the Taoist monk of Wu. Its book collection is from the past seven Buddhas, and 52 generations of five ancestors of Zen Buddhism in the past dynasties. A total of 1,701 people in the Biography lamp law system. After this book was compiled, Taoism original attainments were not entered, Song Zhenzong ordered Yang Yi to be published, and authorized to be compiled into the circulation of large collections, so "Jingde Biography Lantern Records" in Song, Yuan. The Ming dynasties were very popular and had a deep influence on the literary circles. The 1,700 cases of Zen Master Changyun referred to this book, and in the poetry of the literati. Reading "Biography Lantern" is the synonym of Zen Buddhism. However, influenced by the trend of the study of Zen Buddhism in modern times, the academic circles have little intention for this book, and it is necessary to study it in depth. This is the reason why the author wrote this article. The main body of the paper consists of five chapters, the first is the introduction, and the second is the appendix. The introduction reviews the study of the modern Zen Buddhism and the study of Jingde Biography. The first chapter is the book study of Jingde Biography. Firstly, it discusses the general situation of Buddhist historiography in Song Dynasty and the formation of lantern recording system. The original compilation of Tao is the academic background of the book. Secondly, it makes a further investigation on the life of the author Chengtian Dao, and describes the materials used in the compilation of this book. Li Wei, Wang Shujiao Dingding, so the third section, the three students parallel to the relationship between the three and Buddhism to investigate. The second chapter is the engraving and edition of "Jingde Zhuan Lights". First, according to the historical books and bibliography, the time of the initial engraving of "Biography of Lights" is determined. The second section mainly examines the situation of the engraving of the past dynasties. The third section introduces the existing versions, and according to the similarities and differences of the existing versions. The third chapter is the study of "Jingde Zhuan Lamp Records". In this chapter, the annotated text is divided into Tao Yuan, Yang Yi's original notes and the notes of later generations. And the style and content of the annotation in-depth investigation. Chapter 4th is the literary study of Jingde Biography. First, the art of recording is discussed. The second section mainly discusses the rhetorical devices used in Zen. The three sections focus on the literary genre in Jingde Biography. The verse 4th mainly discusses the influence of "Jingde Zhuan Landing Records" on the Song people, which is mixed with teachers' pay. Chapter 5th is about the influence of "Jingde Zhuan Lamp Records" on the Song people. First of all, it discusses the overall acceptance of this book by the Song people, taking Wang Suihe as a case study, and discusses the collection of the book "Zhuan Lamp Records", the book "Zhuan Leng Yu Ying Ji". "Zen Master" received more than 1,700 people. This book has the nature of Zen School, the Song Dynasty poetry notes to quote "Biography Lamp" about the Buddhism, the language and truth of Zen Buddhism. Therefore, the third section discusses the application of poetry notes in Song Dynasty.
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1 黄俊铨;禅宗典籍《五灯会元》研究[D];复旦大学;2007年
2 宫波;佛禅与王安石诗歌研究[D];吉林大学;2012年
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1 张姿;《罗湖野录》与佛教[D];上海师范大学;2010年
2 邱国江;禅宗的修证论[D];西南政法大学;2012年