发布时间:2018-02-03 16:59
本文关键词: 萨班 三律仪差别论 研究 影响 出处:《中央民族大学》2011年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:萨迦班智达是藏族历史、文化乃至藏传佛教历史上一位重要人物。在其大量佛学著作中,《三律仪差别论》在藏传佛教史上具有深远影响和重要地位。在此论著中萨班系统阐述了自己关于别解脱戒、菩萨戒、密乘戒三律仪及其实践的戒律思想,全面总结后弘期以来藏地佛教中的各种观点,判定、驳斥噶举、宁玛、噶当派等教派的各种佛学观点、修习实践的是非曲直。因此自本论著问世以来倍受关注,褒贬不一,纷争不休,是藏传佛教史上最具影响的论著之一 近现代以来国内学术界对萨迦班智达的研究取得了举世瞩目的成就。但是,目前学界的研究主要集中在萨班的生平事迹、政治贡献、《萨迦格言》、因明学等方面,对《三律仪差别论》的研究尚很有限,涉及该论著的大部分成果也只是零星的引用或翻译,缺乏系统、全面的研究。 针对这一问题,笔者首次对《三律仪差别论》进行专题研究。首先在完整翻译《三律仪差别论》全文内容的前提下,呈现、诠释此书各章节的基本概念、主要内容和逻辑结构、思想特点。其次,以此为基础,分析、考察此论著写作的背景目的,评价、考量其在藏传佛教史上的地位与影响。 本研究的内容分为两部分,上篇文本解读与诠释,下篇文本翻译与注释。上篇中,首先论述了萨迦班智达的生平、修学、建树以及《三律仪差别论》的结构、写作背景与目的。其次,阐述文本内容主要别解脱戒、菩萨戒、密乘戒的修持,厘清三律仪的相互关系,对萨班在此论著中所批判的对象与内容做追踪、考辩,对萨班戒律思想进行理论分析。最后,探究《三律仪差别论》的特点,对其在藏传佛教史上的地位与影响做成整体、客观的评价与分析。下篇翻译《三律仪差别论》,解释此论中出现的佛学名相,对相关问题进行考辩。 本论文的创新之处有以下几个方面: 1,本论文首次专门针对《三律仪差别论》这本集中体现萨班佛学思想的论著进行全面、系统的研究,阐明其戒律修持观与佛学思想特点。 2,本论文通过对萨班《三律仪差别论》的研究以及对相关史实的考证,提出该论著在藏传佛教思想史上具有重要意义。它为了解和研究后弘期至12—13世纪的藏传佛教戒律修持情况,提供了较为的丰富的历史资料。 3,本论文将萨班写作《三律仪差别论》的原因与背景置于藏传佛教本土化的大背景之下进行分析与考量,提出此论著中萨班所批判、驳斥的各种见、修、行反映了藏传佛教后弘初期,印度佛教在藏地经过本土化、民族化进程中逐渐摆脱对印度佛教的依傍,走上独立发展的道路;藏地的高僧大德开始根据自己的理解与体验阐发佛教义理,孤明先发开启了一代思想的新风,藏传佛教思想界出现了百家争鸣、百花齐放的状况。萨班著此论的目的是对上述各种思想作总结性梳理与批判,正本清源,使其回归正统。 4,本论文首次将萨班的《三律仪差别论》由藏译汉,并加以注释与诠释。此译本是国内首本《三律仪差别论》的汉文全译本,可为学界了解和研究萨班律学思想提供方便。
[Abstract]:This paper deals with the various views , decisions , refutation of Buddhist ideas and practice in Tibetan Buddhism history , which is one of the most influential arguments in the history of Tibetan Buddhism . In recent times , domestic academic circles have made remarkable achievements in the research of Zachanda Zhida . However , the present study mainly focuses on the life - level and political contribution of sabot , the political contribution , the discussion about the differences of the three - law instrument , and the lack of systematic and comprehensive research on the most of the achievements of this thesis . Aiming at this problem , the author makes a special study on the difference theory of the three - law instrument . Firstly , this paper presents the basic concept , main contents and logical structure and ideological characteristics of each chapter of this book under the precondition of the full text of the difference theory of the whole translation theories . Secondly , this paper analyses and investigates the background purpose and the evaluation of the author ' s writing , and considers its position and influence in the history of Tibetan Buddhism . The contents of this study are divided into two parts : the interpretation and interpretation of the text , the translation and annotation of the next text . The innovation of this paper has the following aspects : 1 . For the first time , this thesis is devoted to the discussion of the difference theory of the three - law instrument . This article focuses on the comprehensive and systematic study of the concept of sambang ' s Buddhism , and expounds the characteristics of the concept of martial law and the thought of Buddhism . 2 . Based on the study of the difference theory of Sanbanyan and the textual research of relevant historical facts , this paper puts forward that the thesis has great significance in the history of Tibetan Buddhism thought . It provides more abundant historical data for the understanding and research of Tibetan Buddhism withdrawal in the 12th - 13th century . 3 . This thesis analyzes and considers the reason and background of the difference between the three rules of the writing of Sabin and the background in the localization of Tibetan Buddhism . The author puts forward the criticism and refutation of Sanban in the early stage of Tibetan Buddhism . The Buddhist doctrine of Buddhism in Tibet has been gradually removed from the process of nationalization and nationalization . 4 . It is the first time in this thesis to study the differences between the three rules of Sarban and annotation and interpretation . The translation is a translation of the Chinese version of the difference theory of the first three - law instrument in the country , which can provide convenience to the academic field to understand and study the thought of sabbatics .
相关期刊论文 前7条
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