本文关键词: 密宗复兴 显密纷争 真言宗 王弘愿 出处:《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》2015年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In the wave of the revival of modern Buddhism, with the expansion of various forces, the contradictions among different sects were also highlighted. After the introduction of true sayings into China, there was a strong dissatisfaction among the Buddhist community because of their exclusive doctrine and the form of preaching by secularists. At first, Because of its connection with Zen in theory and personnel, the true saying is involved in the "Zen Pure" dispute. In response to this, the tantrite put forward the slogan of "clean side secret right" to get rid of the shackles. Stimulated by the Dharma incident, Tantric believers and innovators engaged in a heated debate on the religious system. The manifestos used the rooftop teachings to explain the secret religion. Hoping to get rid of the secret elements of the tantrums, To restore it to the status of the ordinary sects. And the Huayin people wanted to further "unify the secret" on the basis of the tradition of "using secret money and sages" to further intensify the apparent secret conflict. On the one hand, the continuing disputes led to the serious division and confrontation between the forces of the return transmission of the secret sect. On the other hand, it has aroused the attention and understanding of all circles of the society, which objectively provides an opportunity for the dissemination of tantrics. Finally, with the deepening of people's cognition of tantrism, the practice of showing and adhering to the secret religion has been abandoned, and the dispute over explicit secrecy has also ended.
【作者单位】: 岳麓书社有限责任公司;
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