发布时间:2018-03-19 13:46
本文选题:禅学 切入点:圆悟克勤 出处:《武汉大学》2010年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 圆悟克勤是宋代中期的一位禅门宗师,在中国禅宗史上具有很大贡献。他给后人留下了很多宝贵的资料,尤其是他的《碧岩录》、《圆悟心要》和《圆悟克勤禅师语录》三部著作,把中国的禅文化推向了辉煌的顶峰。可以说,圆悟不仅是一位证悟自性、心灵自由的禅僧,也是一位通达经论和各家宗旨、善于阐释的大家。本文全面搜集资料,充分利用今人的研究成果,试图对圆悟禅学进行首次全面系统的研究,探明其禅学的主旨精神与博大内涵,并重新审视对圆悟的历史评价,从而深化对宋代禅宗史的研究。 本文分引言、正文和结语三个部分,正文共分六章。 引言介绍了本论文的研究缘起,并就本文的研究方法、研究思路、研究难点做了交代,同时简单介绍了本文的逻辑结构。 第一章宋代政治文化与宋代禅宗的特色。本章介绍宋代政治文化及佛教政策,并考察了宋代禅宗的特色,为圆悟禅学思想的时代背景做一个交代。一个人的思想与他生活的社会环境有很大关系。要理解圆悟的禅学思想,首先要弄清圆悟禅学思想产生的社会历史背景、当时的文化趋势和文化环境,同时须注意到禅宗发展的过程及其时代特色。 第二章生平与活动。本章介绍圆悟克勤的生平与活动,包括其修道历程、禅法师承、悟道因缘、住持交游与学识著作。 第三章“人人脚跟下本有此段大光明”的心性论。本章主要探讨了圆悟克勤提出的“人人脚跟下本有此段大光明”的心性论思想。宋代是一个文化全面交融与整合的时代,圆悟禅师为了让学人尤其是参禅的士大夫理解禅宗思想,他用更加明白易懂的语言来诠释心性本体。“人人脚跟下本有此段大光明”的命题就是在这样的背景下提出来的,它包含“人人脚跟下”和“本有此段大光明”两个方面,“人人脚跟下”指出了禅法的当下性,表明禅宗的一切心性哲学都离不开这个正在发生的当下世界;“本有此段大光明”明确了禅法的现实努力方向与任务。这样的说法,在禅宗的思想史当中,颇具新意及开创性,因此我们作了深入的解析。 第四章转迷为悟的工夫论。本章对圆悟克勤工夫论中的几个核心思想作了全面论述。圆悟克勤认为,人人当下本来就有心性大光明,只不过被妄想的乌云所遮蔽,只有通过持之以恒地做转迷为悟的工夫,回光返照,才能达到灵光独耀、心灵自由、彻底安乐的境界,这些思想既源自慧能以来的禅法传统,又有创新性,在强调“禅非意想”、“回光返照”、“直下承当”等说法形式上也带有时代特色,是对传统的细化与深化,为其弟子大慧宗杲提倡“看话头”禅法奠定了理论基础,这些观点也蕴含着丰富的哲学思想与人生智慧。他的公案禅,强调不管字面上的意思如何,都是通过举公案来摄心,达到开悟的目的,公案只有开悟的契机的作用(敲门瓦子),悟到了就不必拘泥于公案。大慧宗果则基于这一思想活动创造了看话禅,但实际上在圆悟克勤的时代,已经可看出几乎所有的看话禅的因素。 第五章“文字禅”思想与诠释实践。圆悟克勤是“文字禅”的代表人物,他对禅与语言文字的关系有深刻的见解,并在用语言文字诠释禅与公案方面身体力行,给后世留下了宝贵的精神财富。本文认为,在对待语言文字方面,圆悟克勤很有创新性,他把解释公案、颂文和阐述经教三者结合起来,用评唱直截了当地进行解说,容易为人们所理解,这种经典的流传,既是传禅,也是传教,既顺应了文字禅的发展潮流,又开创了融合经教的新途径。 第六章圆悟克勤禅学的历史影响。圆悟禅学思想的影响是深远的,一方面是他对公案的创造性诠释,消解了公案的具体意义,把公案仅仅作为一种“理”的象征,并用作一种修心手段,这些影响了后来的看话禅与默照禅;另一方面,他文字禅的体例及诠释方式一直是后来类似作品的典范,比如评唱,一直被后世解读公案者所运用。 结语这部分对圆悟克勤的禅学思想及其贡献进行了简单总结与评价。我们认为,圆悟克勤既是前人禅学思想的总结者,又是新禅法的开创者,更是是善于说禅的诠释者,他的禅学特色正是体现了禅学范式变化的过渡性特征,为后面出现的看话禅和默照禅奠定了基础,深入分析、研究圆悟禅学及其历史影响,是弄清中国禅宗发展演变及其范式变化的一个极为重要的关节点,也是理解整个中国禅宗兴衰的重要环节。
[Abstract]:Yuanwu Keqin is a Zen master of the middle Song Dynasty, has a great contribution in the history of China Zen. He left a lot of valuable information for future generations, especially his "green rock record >, < circle > and < to enlightenment heart Yuanwu Keqin Zen quotations > three works, the China Zen culture to the peak. It can be said that the circle of enlightenment is not only an enlightened self, spiritual freedom is a Zen monk, accessible by the theory and the purpose of interpretation at everyone. This comprehensive collection of information, make full use of present research, trying to research on the circle of the first comprehensive system of Zen enlightenment to explore the spirit of Zen, and broad connotation, and to re-examine the historical evaluation circle of enlightenment, so as to deepen the study of the Song Dynasty Zen history.
This article is divided into three parts: the introduction, the text and the conclusion, and the text is divided into six chapters.
The introduction introduces the origin of the research, and explains the research methods, research ideas and research difficulties, and introduces the logical structure of this paper.
The first chapter of the Song Dynasty and the Song Dynasty Zen political and cultural characteristics. This chapter introduces the Song Dynasty political culture and Buddhism policy, and investigated the characteristics of the Song Dynasty Zen, Zen enlightenment is round the background to do an explanation. A person's thoughts have a great relationship with his life and social environment. To understand Yuanwu Zen. We must first understand Zen circle realizes the social and historical background, cultural trend and cultural environment at that time, also must pay attention to the process of the development of Zen and the characteristics of the times.
The second chapter of his life and activities. This chapter introduces the life and activities of the circle to include the history of monasticism Keqin, Zen master, the abbot of his knowledge and Enlightenment karma works.
The third chapter "under the heel of this section has all the grand" disposition theory. This chapter mainly discusses Yuanwu Keqin's "under the heel of this section are all grand" nature thought. Song Dynasty is an era of comprehensive cultural fusion and integration, in order to let people learn to master circle especially Zen taxi the doctor understand Zen, he used more intelligible language interpretation of mind ontology. "Everyone under the heel of this section is the grand" proposition is put forward in this background, it contains all "heel" and "the two aspects of the light", "everyone pointed out that under the heel" the moment of Zen, Zen philosophy of mind that all cannot do without this happening now "the world; the light clear and realistic direction. The second task in this argument, the thought of Zen In history, it was new and pioneering, so we made an in-depth analysis.
The fourth chapter is to turn many time on this chapter of the Wu round several core thought in the theory of time Keqin comprehensively expounded. Yuanwu Keqin believed that everyone present had a mind light, but was obscured by the delusion of clouds, only by doing as many to persevere to the time, the last radiance of the setting sun. In order to achieve the freedom of mind, Yao Emmanuel, completely peaceful realm, these ideas can come from the traditional Zen Hui Neng since, and innovation, to emphasize the "Zen" non intention "," statement form the last radiance of the setting sun ", direct bear" also with the characteristics of the times, and deepen and refine the tradition, for the disciple of Da Hui Zong Gao "Zen Buddist" advocate has laid a theoretical foundation, these views also contains abundant philosophical thoughts and wisdom of life. No matter how stressed his Zen Koan, literally, is through the lift case to photo of the heart, To attain enlightenment, only an enlightened detective role opportunity (WA Zi door), realized it is not confined to the case. The thought of Da Hui Zong fruit based activities created to see if Zen, but in fact in Yuanwu Keqin era, already can see almost all of the factors to see the words of Zen.
The fifth chapter "words of Zen" thought and interpretation practice. Yuanwu Keqin is a representative of "words of Zen", his relationship to Zen and the language of profound insights, and practice in the use of words and interpretation of Zen Koan, has left a precious spiritual wealth. This paper argues that, in dealing with language the text, Yuanwu Keqin is creative, he translated detective, and analyses the teaching should combine the three, with commentary sing bluntly to explain, easy to understand for people, the spread of this classic, is Zen, is also a missionary, not only conforms to the development trend of words of Zen, and created a new by the way of teaching integration.
The sixth chapter round historical influence. The influence of Zen Wu Keqin Wu round of Buddhist thought is profound, on the one hand he is on the legal case of creative interpretation, the specific significance of digestion of the court, the case only as a "physical" symbol, and used as a means to repair the heart, and the influence of the later to see if the mozhao Zen and Zen; on the other hand, style and interpretation of the way he has been writing Zen later similar works model, such as evaluation of singing, has been using readingdetective later.
The conclusion of this part of the circle of Zen Wu Keqin and its contributions are summarized and evaluated. We believe that the summarist Yuanwu Keqin is the former Buddhist ideology, is the pioneer of the new school, is a good interpretation of Zen, Zen and his characteristic is a manifestation of the transitional characteristics of Zen paradigm change. To see the words behind the mozhao Zen Zen and laid the foundation for in-depth analysis, research circle and its historical influence. Basically, it is Chinese Zen development and paradigm change is a very important point, is also an important link to understand the whole China Zen rise and fall.
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