本文选题:中世纪大学 + 自治城市 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2009年硕士论文
【摘要】: 基督教占统治地位的欧洲中世纪曾被认为是专制的、未开化的“黑暗时代”,然而就是在这“黑暗”的时代,不仅发生了影响欧洲未来发展方向的城市革命,而且孕育了人类历史上最璀璨夺目的花朵之一——中世纪大学。大学与城市都是欧洲中世纪的产物,二者有着共同的中世纪起源,大学自诞生之日起就与城市结下了不解之缘。可以说,大学的社会存在基础就是城市,是城市这块沃土孕育了欧洲中世纪大学的诞生。但是,大学与城市市民最初结缘时的关系并不融洽,“城镇与学袍”之间的矛盾、冲突不断。但在大学与市民长期斗争、交往的过程中,二者因日益紧密的经济联系和渐趋一致的共同利益而达成妥协,双方矛盾日趋缓和,逐渐形成了一种共生共存的关系格局。 大学与城市间的冲突一直贯穿于中世纪的发展史中,并延伸到现在。但是冲突的存在并不是一种反常现象,而恰恰表明双方间的关系更具有利益相关性。冲突并不意味着两者的对立,而是于冲突中有可能实现一种利益上的整合,为各自赢得最大的利益。而大学与城市就是在不断地冲突与合作中保持了一种动态的平衡,最终实现了二者的互动发展。
[Abstract]:Christian domination of the Middle Ages in Europe was once regarded as an autocratic and uncivilized "dark age", but it was in this "dark" era that not only did the urban revolution that influenced the future direction of Europe take place. And gave birth to one of the most dazzling flowers in human history-medieval universities. Universities and cities are the products of the Middle Ages in Europe, and they share the same medieval origins. It can be said that the social foundation of the university is the city, which gave birth to the medieval universities in Europe. However, the relationship between university and city residents was not harmonious at first. However, in the process of long-term struggle and communication between universities and citizens, they reach a compromise because of the increasingly close economic ties and the common interests that gradually converge, and the contradictions between the two sides become more and more relaxed and gradually form a pattern of symbiotic and coexistence relations. The conflict between universities and cities has been running through the development history of the Middle Ages, and extends to the present. But the existence of conflict is not an abnormal phenomenon, but just shows that the relationship between the two sides has more interest relevance. Conflict does not mean the opposition between the two, but it is possible to achieve a kind of integration of interests in the conflict, and win the greatest interests for each other. The university and the city maintain a dynamic balance in the constant conflict and cooperation, and finally realize the interactive development of the two.
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