本文选题:巴东 + 宗教文化生态 ; 参考:《西南民族大学》2012年硕士论文
[Abstract]:This paper mainly studies the religious and cultural ecology of Padong 1 Tibetan village, which is composed of Buddhism and Catholicism, that is, the interaction and integration of different religions in the religious ecosystem. The relationship between the followers of various religions and the relationship between religion and their humanistic and social environment is analyzed and studied from three aspects: macroscopic, meso and microcosmic. Dr. Chen Xiaoyi's research on Qingyan religious ecology provides an important theoretical paradigm for this thesis, which is of great significance for the author to study Padang's religious and cultural ecology, and through the comparison of Qingyan's religious and cultural phenomena described by Dr. Chen Xiaoyi, In this paper, the author thinks about the religious ecological culture in Padang, explains the phenomenon of religious ecological culture in Padang by using the biological concept of "grafting", and puts forward the religious ecological mode of "grafting". This thesis consists of four chapters: the first chapter is the ecological background of Padang religious culture. From the two aspects of geographical environment and humanistic environment, it is shown that the formation of Padang's religious and cultural ecology is inseparable from its geography and humanistic environment. The second chapter is the formation of Padang religious and cultural ecology. In this chapter, from the introduction of Benism to the introduction of Nimah sect of Tibetan Buddhism, then to the introduction of Catholicism and the formation of three religious patterns, in the process, the author analyzes the influence of various religions on Padang society. What problems traditional culture faces under the impact of foreign religious culture, what conflicts each religion faces, and so on, which explains the inevitability of localization of foreign religions from the historical evolution and mutual understanding of each religion. The third chapter is the interaction between religion and believers in the religious ecosystem. This chapter takes Buddhism and Catholicism as religious ecological contents and analyzes the interaction of religious organizations and religious rituals in the religious ecosystem. In addition, by describing the traditional customs of Padang, such as marriage and mourning, taboos, production cooperation and so on, this chapter analyzes the intercommunion of various religions and religious believers at the present stage involving mixing and symbiosis. The fourth chapter is the "grafting" type of religious and cultural ecological model-"the same root but different fruit." This chapter begins with the localization of Catholicism, analyzes the characteristics and organizational structure of Padang's religious ecosystem, and analyzes this cultural phenomenon with the viewpoint of ethnic identity. In the end, the principle of "grafting" is used to explain the concept of "grafting", and the ecological model of religious culture is put forward.
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