本文选题:鸿山 + 静波法师 ; 参考:《法音》2015年10期
[Abstract]:In September 20th, the original news bulletin was held in Xiamen Hongshan temple. The Buddha statue opened and the "Hongshan charity", "Hongshan academy" unveiled a series of Buddhist cultural activities. The president of the Buddhist Association of China, the president of the Buddhist Association of Fujian Province, the vice president of the China Buddha Association, the president of the Buddha Association of Hunan, the vice president of the China Buddha Association and the vice president of the Buddhism Association of Fujian province. PFA master, vice president of China Buddha Association, vice president of Heilongjiang Buddha Association, vice president of China Buddha Association, vice chairman of Fujian Buddha Association, vice chairman of Buddhist Association of China, vice president of Fujian Buddha Association, vice president of Buddha Association of Fujian Province, vice president of Buddhist Association of Fujian province and Secretary General's natural wizard, Luoyang Baima Temple
相关期刊论文 前7条
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6 记者 郑慧;鸿山越墓又有“意外”发现[N];无锡日报;2006年
7 英洁;鸿山发展三大主题并驾齐驱[N];无锡日报;2008年
8 记者 陆元钢 胡琦;鸿山文保探索民本新模式[N];无锡日报;2008年
9 记者 邱育钦;鸿山打造现代化工贸强镇[N];石狮日报;2012年
10 本报记者 袁柳 仇逸艳;“咱们鸿山是个风水宝地!”[N];无锡日报;2005年