[Abstract]:From 1922 to 1927, the non-Christian movement criticized Christianity with the ideological weapons of scientific rationalism, nationalism and Marxism, which had a great influence on modern Chinese literature. As a result, many writers have changed their attitude towards Christianity. They are more sensitive to the dark side of Christianity and have created a large number of works criticizing Christianity. Under the impact of the movement, some writers who believe in the value of Christianity begin to explore the path of harmony between Christianity and Chinese tradition and reality. At the same time, in the field of literary research, researchers began to criticize and deny the Christian factors in Chinese and foreign literary works. From the deep perspective, the non-Christian movement is an important part of the new literature moving away from the Anglo-American direction to the direction of Russia and the Soviet Union and becoming increasingly politicized, which has changed the direction and path of the development of the new literature. It is also an important reason why Chinese modern literature can not face up to Christian value and draw beneficial value from it.
【作者单位】: 湖南师范大学文学院;
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