[Abstract]:The Book of songs of Tianfang was translated by Ma Dexin and Ma Anli from the Egyptian poet Pu Suili Bourdes in the late Qing Dynasty. Islam advocates the theory of the past, the present and the third of the later generations, and the praise of Mohamed from these three aspects is just one of the main lines implied in this long poem, which is the basis of which this article is divided into five parts. The first part focuses on the argument that the Book of songs of Tianfang is a long poem of sanctity. The second, third, and fourth parts analyze the praises of this long poem from the three angles of the past, the present and the later. This long poem first regards the spiritual ontology of the former Mohamed as the embodiment of "Divine Light" and the total source of creation of all things in the universe, and then portrays the Mohamed of the present world as the model of human beings. The positioning of Mohamed as an intermediary to save Mumin reflects the painstaking protruding and extolling of Mohamed's lofty status in Islam by poem writers and translators. In the last part, the form, method and sectarian stand of this long poem are briefly summarized.
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