[Abstract]:As the first graduate of the College, I am well aware of the early hajj activities in New China, as the Hajj activities of the people's Republic of China were reactivated by the prevailing winds of reform and opening up after the emergence of a fault of 14 years (1965-979). As a witness to this important historic turning point, I have not only personally experienced the background of this turning point. On August 30, President Chen Guangyuan said at the 60th Anniversary Celebration Conference of the China Iraq Association held in the Great Hall of the People that after the founding of the people's Republic of China, The number of Chinese Muslims who made the Hajj pilgrimage from zero was more than 11,800 in 201 years alone! Encouraged by this data, I intend to rearrange the miscellaneous feelings that emerge in my mind about the pilgrimage to New China:
【作者单位】: 人民画报社;
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