[Abstract]:After World War II, Christianity developed rapidly in Confucian-based Korea. Not only did the proportion of Christians reach one third of the national population, but it also played an important role in the international Christian community. People in South Korea will deeply realize that Christianity in South Korea has become "Korean-style Christianity" and the success of the process of Christianity's naturalization in South Korea has been recognized all over the world.
We know that when a religion spreads and develops from its birth to the outside world, in the face of different regions, different languages, different modes of thinking, different ways of life of ethnic groups, for their own survival and development, between religion and the audience will naturally have an interactive intention to seek cooperation, and thus produce a variety of ways. After Christianity entered the Korean mainland, missionaries developed a set of missionary methods suitable for the local conditions according to the social environment and culture of Korea, and carried out a series of works in the process, facing different periods. Historically, the road to the naturalization of Christianity in South Korea has also undergone constant adaptability changes, and has achieved remarkable results today.
This paper analyzes the mutual influence of Korean history, society, culture, politics and Christianity, and the internal development practice of Korean Christian churches. It analyzes the reasons for the great success of Korean Christianity and explores the process of Christianity's naturalization in Korea. The six chapter. The main contents of each chapter are as follows:
In the first chapter, the author puts forward the theme of this paper, namely, the problem of the naturalization of Korean Christianity and the significance of the study, and expounds the importance of the study of this issue to Chinese Christian academic research. Absorb relevant information and ask questions and shortcomings.
In the second chapter, combined with the theme of the paper, the history of Korean Catholicism and Protestantism from the beginning to the present is summarized in stages.
In the third chapter, the author takes patriotism as the breakthrough point to analyze the role played by political factors in the process of the naturalization of Christianity in Korea.Since the introduction of Christianity into Korea, political changes and hardships have created fertile soil for Christianity in Korea. The role played by Cheng and how the naturalization of Korean Christian churches reacted to politics will be reflected in this chapter.
Chapter Four discusses how Christianity naturalizes and forms its own unique naturalized theology when the old religious culture and Christianity encounter in a country with multiple religions such as South Korea. It focuses on the cultural roots of South Korea, namely Shamanism, and discusses the largest religious Buddhism in South Korea and the Korean society. Confucianism, which has the greatest influence on structure and ethics, is described. In a separate festival, the title of the national God and the unity of the gods in Christianity are expounded.
Chapter Five is a response to the previous three chapters, that is, in the face of cultural collisions, historical changes, political hardships, the role played by the ministries of Korean Christian organizations in the process of the naturalization of Korean churches. In this chapter, these factors can be regarded as subjective factors to promote the naturalization of Korean churches.
The sixth chapter is a summary of the full text. The author discusses the important role of Christianity in the process of transformation from traditional Korean society to modern Korean society, and analyzes the new problems and challenges faced by modern Korean Christianity after its success.
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