[Abstract]:China is an ancient civilization. The symbol of civilization is not only shown in the symbol of material civilization, but also in the symbol of non-material civilization. Creation myth is an important symbol of ancient civilization. Some people think that our country is a country without a myth. Jack Bird, an American scholar, once said, "it is especially important (except for Pangu mythology) that China may be the only country in the major ancient civilization without a true myth of creation." A similar situation exists in Chinese philosophy. Chinese philosophy has always paid special attention to the relationship between human beings and their adaptation to the surrounding environment, but has little interest in the origin of cosmic celestial bodies. "[1] it should be admitted that, compared with Western mythology, the creation myth of our country does not form a system. Writing is late, too, but it's not going to work at all.
【作者单位】: 中央民族大学文学与新闻传播学院;
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