[Abstract]:In recent years, the works on Russian philosophy have been published one after another. The reason is that philosophy is not only a reference to the West, but also a necessary factor of the national spiritual culture. For a superpower like Russia, studying its cultural and spiritual achievements, its unique way of thinking, is also instructive for us. Frank and Solovyov, Lorsky are the main representatives of epistemology in Russia's unique philosophical epistemology. If Solovyov's epistemology is focused on criticizing Western abstract rationalism and demonstrating complete knowledge from a general and comprehensive point of view, then, Frank explores the unified basis of human understanding through in-depth analysis of the structure of knowledge and objects, and has more pure philosophy. In this paper, the development of religious philosophy in the silver era in Russia, the theoretical background is combed, through its ontology, epistemology, truth view, explained the principles of the world outlook of religious Noumenon. It is from this principle that the theory of Christian humanism is constructed on the basis of the religious ontology of absolute existence. The metaphysical thought of reality and man is the deepening and systematic proof of Frank's theory of divine man. Frank believes that the inner spirituality of man is absolute, the original "reality" is the ontological foundation of human existence, and that the nature of God, as the essential characteristic of man, makes the existence of man gain absolute meaning and eternal value. By explaining the existence structure of God and Man in the inner spiritual field, Frank proved the spiritual basis of human existence by religious ontology. The flaws in Frank's religious philosophy are also obvious. Frank's humanism is based on the Christian view of human nature and is based on his ontology of religious philosophy, which inevitably has its own limitations, but there are many profound analyses and original opinions. It is instructive for us to deeply understand the spiritual phenomenon of human beings and to further understand the Christian and humanitarian thoughts in western culture. In a word, the purpose of this paper is to show the core of Frank's humanism by systematically discussing his humanism, and to understand and analyze the religious philosophy of the silver era in Russia. Comments on this cultural phenomenon of great scale and great value in the history of human thought. Finally, this paper interprets Frank's Christian humanism from the perspective of Marx's existentialism, explains the contemporary nature of Marx's philosophical revolution, and reveals the limitations and practical significance of Frank's metaphysical anthropomorphology system.
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