[Abstract]:Zhang Boduan, a real person of Ziyang in Northern Song Dynasty, was a milestone figure in the history of Chinese Taoism. Since the beginning of Qing Dynasty, there has been a dispute between Linhai theory and rooftop theory. According to the main basis listed in the representative work "Taoism in Taizhou, Taizhou", this article concludes that "are the county people from Linhai? Yongzheng Royal Book recognizes Zhang Botuan as a Linhai native, right? why did Qi Zhaonan change the place of origin of Zhang Boduan?" Zhang Boduan is really only living in the sea, but there is no roof. "four problems are analyzed and studied, and it is concluded that Chamberlain is indeed a rooftop man.
【作者单位】: 天台山桐柏宫中国道教南宗研究所;
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