[Abstract]:A new style of knowledge theory and a new concept of rationality can be established by reinterpreting the concept of guarantee by Plantinger and improving the traditional concept of defense. Moreover, it can be proved that scientific theory and Christian belief can meet the rational requirements of this theory of knowledge. Therefore, although there are significant differences between scientific theory and Christian belief theory in exploring objects and methods, they are also reasonable. Therefore, besides Christianity, other religious doctrines will have their own characteristics in object and method and share basic rationality standards. With the help of the new intellectual style and rationality suggested by Plantinger, In response to Thomas Kuhn's challenge of intransigence, there is no need to abandon the distinction between "reasonable" and "unreasonable" human practice, The relationship between "representation" and "knowledge" can still be well described. This is an idea that can be used for reference to eliminate the so-called crisis of rationality.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学哲学学院;
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