[Abstract]:There is a saying in the Zheng Gudao: "the napkin, the master of the divine harp is also: or the mountain forest, or the sun and the moon, the size of the square, with the shape." Taoist towel is an important part of Taoist law suit, which contains profound religious thought and heavy aesthetic implication of dress. Taoist towel, as an important part of Taoist law suit, not only contains profound religious connotation, but also precipitates a heavy aesthetic connotation of dress. There is a saying in the ancient Tao: "the napkin, the master of the Shenming harp is also: or the mountain forest, or the sun and the moon, the size of the square member, with the shape." 1 this article intends to make a preliminary investigation of the origin and flow of the early Tao towel.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学哲学系;广西民族大学科技史研究中心;
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