[Abstract]:Repentance, from Indian Buddhism, was originally a method of Buddhist practice. But since arriving in the Han Dynasty, it has gradually evolved into a religious ritual designed to exonerate and pray. This religious ritual is called repentance, also called repentance, which is a Buddhist activity of repentance and repentance. According to examination, this activity originated in the Jin Dynasty, in the Southern and Northern dynasties, the Sui and Tang dynasties became popular. Such texts as repentance fall into the unrefined category, but they cannot be ignored. From the study of it, we can see that the folklore and secularization of Han Buddhism are helpful to the deep and multidirectional study of Buddhism. If we study the history of repentance specifically, we can clearly understand the changing and developing context of Buddhism culture in Han and the practical attitude of the general public towards religion. The focus of this paper is focused on the period of Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty, focusing on his own important influence on the repentance Dharma, and trying to find the clues of the evolution of the repentance method from the text of "Emperor Liang repentance" ("the Rent Dharma of the Mercy Dharma"). And its relationship with the Sinicization of Buddhism.
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