[Abstract]:Qutan Temple, an important Tibetan Buddhist temple in Hehuang area in Ming and Qing dynasties, has long attracted the attention of scholars. However, some basic problems in the history of Qutan Temple have not been clarified. In this paper, based on the historical data of Tibetan and Chinese languages, such as Ming Shi Lu, Qing Shi Lu, Ando History of Politics and Church, Tar Temple Records, etc., on the basis of previous studies, the author gives an account of the great country teachers in the history of Qutan Temple. This paper studies the inheritance of the reincarnation system of Guoshi and 5 living Buddhas, and points out the differences in records and the problems to be solved. The appendix is two important articles related to this subject.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院;
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