[Abstract]:Zhu Youshu is an ancient Chinese method of treating diseases. It can be traced back to the times before the Yellow Emperor. Ancient Chinese medicine has 13 branches of Chinese medicine, and Zhu Youshu is the end of 13 branches of Chinese medicine. This system lasted until the Qing Dynasty. Although Zhu Youshu was excluded from the list of 13 subjects of traditional Chinese medicine in Qing Dynasty, Zhu Youshu still had a wide influence in Qing Dynasty. In the first chapter, by sorting out the ancient books of the Qing Dynasty, the author divides the scholars and the general public into three categories, that is, they think that Zhu Youshu does exist, but it has been lost so far, and Zhu Youshu can not be trusted. May you believe me. Secondly, in the second chapter, through sorting out the medical classics of Qing Dynasty, the author analyzes the cognition and attitude of the physicians of the Qing Dynasty to Zhu Youshu, and illustrates the use of Zhu you Shu by the physicians of Qing Dynasty and the folk therapy of Zhu you Shu respectively. Thirdly, from the perspective of modern medicine and modern psychology, the article analyzes the psychological mechanism of Zhu you in Qing Dynasty. Finally, in the fourth chapter, the author analyzes the reasons why Zhu you has been passed on as an ancient traditional therapy. As a method of treatment, Zhu Youshu is mainly manifested in psychotherapy. Now, because of the growing popularity of science, people are no longer ignorant and superstitious. Therefore, it is necessary to completely abandon the "magic and metaphysical techniques" used by the "Zhu you" method, and to design more reasonable scientific methods.
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