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发布时间:2018-12-21 16:58
【摘要】: 为起中国佛教于衰颓,使能“应导现代人心正思”,民国太虚大师以“人生佛教”为旗帜,全面抉择佛教现代化改革道路。 教典抉择。偏重理性的学者批评中国佛教为似教,《起信论》、《楞严经》为伪撰。太虚则认为:考证当服务于信仰,应由信而行来验证知;《起信》为“登地菩萨”所作,台、贤乃依佛说,不违“圣言量”。中国佛教直依根本智、宗在离言不思议法界,不为“依因明比量智解为宗”所限,故不能泥于印度所传“主智”之空、有二宗而予否认。 教理抉择。太虚依缘起理判摄佛法,建立起人生佛教宗本“圆觉”的理论根据,故对依唯识理批判“真如缘起”者,巧为会合证成,并称“佛法是理性的宗教”。 教制抉择。太虚以“僧”为佛法理性的制度体现,欲改革因家族化而窳败的中国僧制,故反对以居士僧团或锡兰僧制取代中国传统僧团。其教制改革思想应时屡变,然皆以人生佛教为本。 净土抉择。鉴于近代净土信仰之偏狭消极,太虚以“唯识之净土”释往生之理;以“唯心净土”倡净化人间;因慈氏学理性、入世,普摄佛法,而归宗旨在实现人间净土的“弥勒净土”。 密教抉择。太虚融通显密,,并对东密、藏密作理性化的抉择。 太虚本“人生佛教”以普应世间文化,成立学综内外、化洽中西的佛学体系。
[Abstract]:In order to bring up the decline of Chinese Buddhism and to "guide modern people to think correctly", Master Taixu of the Republic of China took "Buddhism of Life" as the banner and made a comprehensive choice on the road of Buddhism modernization reform. The choice of teaching. The rational scholars criticized Chinese Buddhism as a kind of religion, "on the basis of faith" and "the Shurangyan Classic" as a pseudo-fiction. Tai Hsu believes that textual research should serve faith and should be done by faith to verify knowledge; "from faith" is done by the Bodhisattvas on the earth. Taiwan, the sages and the Buddha say that it does not violate the "volume of the word." Chinese Buddhism adheres to the basic wisdom, does not think of the law from the word, is not "according to the understanding of the Yin Ming wise interpretation of the limit", so can not be stuck to India's "master wisdom" empty, there are two and deny it. Intellectual choice. Taixu judged the Dharma according to its origin, and established the theoretical basis of the "circle consciousness" of the Buddhist Buddhism in life. Therefore, the criticism of "truth as the origin" according to the rationalism is confluence, and it is called "the religion of reason". The choice of teaching system. Taixu took "monk" as the system of Dharma rationality, wanted to reform the Chinese monk system which was decayed by family, so he opposed to replacing the traditional Chinese monk group with the monastic order or Ceylon Sangha system. His educational system reform thought changes time and time, but all take the life Buddhism as the foundation. Choice of Pure Land. In view of the narrowness and negativity of the modern Pure Land belief, Taixu interprets the principle of death by "only the Pure Land of knowledge"; advocates the purification of the world with the "Mind-minded Pure Land"; because of the reason of ci's study, joining the WTO, popularizing the Buddhism, and returning to the "Maitreya Pure Land" to realize the Pure Land of the earth. Secret choice. Too empty to clear secret, and East secret, secret to make a rational choice. Taixu Buddhism of Life should popularize the culture of the world, set up a comprehensive study inside and outside, and harmonize the Buddhist system between China and the West.


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