[Abstract]:The study of folk religion requires attention not only to the spiritual satisfaction of individuals in religious activities, but also to the organizational process of religious activities. The folk religious activities embedded in the local social structure play an important role in maintaining the local social order in addition to the function of satisfying the private beliefs. This paper puts forward the public nature of folk religious activities on the latter level, and holds that the organization of religious activities and the symbolic resources in religious activities are important parts of constructing community and local "power culture network". The commonality of folk religious activities is essentially the publicity of social order, the most prominent form of which is the community attribute of natural villages. In modern times, the construction of political power and the development of market economy dispel the function of the community, disintegrate the internal structure of the community, break the boundary of the community, and with the expansion of the farmer's private life style, the community no longer becomes the community. At the same time, the folk religious activities which are embedded in the social structure tend to be private.
【作者单位】: 云南民族大学人文学院社会学系;华中科技大学中国乡村治理研究中心;
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