[Abstract]:China is a country with many religions. Because of the complexity of the history of Christianity, most of the study of Christianity in China included Protestantism and Catholicism. The research on the religious psychological development of Catholic children is even less. Considering the differences between the teachings of Catholicism and Protestantism, as well as the limitations of research methods for the religious development of children, this study has been conducted primarily through experiments and interviews, To explore the characteristics and influencing factors of the individual religious psychological development of Chinese Catholic children aged 3-12 years. This study follows Wang Jiazhi's definition and structure of religion (2013), chooses the belief of God, transcendental experience and institutional participation to carry on the experimental research, and selects the value pursuit to carry on the interview research. Among them, the belief of God is the cognitive factor of religion, transcendental experience is the emotional factor of religion, institutional participation is the factor of religious will, and the pursuit of value is the motive factor of religion's personality. According to the age characteristics of children aged 3-12, the author creates a religious and cultural situation suitable for children by using video, audio, pictures and other experimental materials, and formulates the highest scoring standard, which is evaluated by experts. N (task) 脳 5 (age: 3 years old group, 5 year old group, 7 year old group, 9 year old group, 11 year old group) 脳 2 (sex: male, female) was used. Among them, the tasks were internal variables, age and sex were the variables, and dependent variables were the scores of children's responses to religious and cultural stimuli. In the interview study, 10 Catholic children were interviewed individually to explore the personality dynamic factors of their belief psychological development. The results are as follows: 1. In the belief of God, there is a primary effect on task and age. Children's cognition of creation was better than that of God and Virgin Mary. There was significant difference in the scores of children's belief in God between 5 and 7 years old group, but there was no significant difference between other adjacent age groups. 2. In terms of transcendental experience, the interaction between task and age is significant. The emotional experience of children in the 5-year-old group of children with respect to God's crucifixion, Virgin Mary, hymns, Mass is better than the emotional experience of listening to the Bible. There was no significant difference in other tasks among the age groups. There were significant differences in the emotional experience between the age group 3 years old and the 5 year old group, the 5 year old group and the 7 year old group in the emotional experience of God's holy heart, God's crucifixion, hymns and mass. There were significant differences between the five and seven age groups in the emotional experience of the Virgin Mary, church prayer and Bible reading, but there were no significant differences in different tasks among the children in the other adjacent age groups. 3. In terms of institutional participation, the interaction between task and age is significant. The frequency of children's participation in prayer, mass or Sunday school, listening to the Bible is generally higher than that of singing hymns and religious gatherings. There are significant differences in the frequency of participation in prayer, mass or Sunday school between children aged 3 and 5. No significant difference was found in other adjacent age groups on different tasks. There was significant difference in the frequency of listening and reading the Bible between the children of 3 and 11 years old, but there was no significant difference in different tasks among other age groups. 4. The value pursuit of Catholic children has a tendency from material pursuit to spiritual pursuit with the increase of age. However, due to the limitation of children's cognition, they can not understand the nature of some abstract phenomena. 5. The development of religious psychology of Catholic children is influenced by many factors such as family belief, cognitive level, religious place, religious years and so on.
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