[Abstract]:The forms and contents of the folk activities of welcoming the god of wealth come mostly from Taoism, and the collective celebration in history makes the belief of the god of wealth formed and passed down. Taoism and the folk custom of welcoming the god of wealth are difficult to separate, which is an important source of folk custom activities, and also provides the ideological power and interpretation system for them. The god of wealth is the deity who appeared later in the belief of Chinese immortals. According to the research, in the Southern Song Dynasty, the folk "god of wealth paper horse" can be counted as the rudiment of the belief in the god of wealth. His beliefs are constantly changing in the process of development, and present regional diversity. As a common folk phenomenon, the belief of the god of wealth began in the Southern Song Dynasty, but it was not until the Ming and Qing dynasties that the belief tended to be mature and stable. In the people, more than one god of wealth was worshiped. Luwei's belief in the God of Wealth divides the God of Wealth into a god of wealth, and a god of quasi-wealth. The god of wealth usually thinks it's Bikan,
【作者单位】: 中央民族大学哲学与宗教学学院;
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