发布时间:2017-08-21 12:22
【摘要】: 图腾崇拜是将某种动物或植物等物体视作与本氏族有亲属或其他特殊关系的崇拜行为。澳大利亚土著是我们在近现代所能观察到的最原始的人类,澳大利亚也被称之为图腾崇拜的古典地域。本文的研究目标包括早期的澳大利亚土著以及现在仍以传统方式生活的现代土著。此研究对于了解人类的早期文明有着较高的认知价值。 本文主要论证了图腾崇拜三个方面的功能。首先,文章分析了图腾崇拜的社会控制功能。图腾崇拜是最早的社会组织体系,有着区分群体,维系社会组织和维护和平与稳定的功能。图腾崇拜也是土著人的法律体系,具有警告和保护功能,惩罚功能以及调解和仲裁功能。 其次,本文解释了图腾崇拜是土著人的原始宗教,它有着重要的社会心理功能,主要表现为教化功能,道德功能,心理安慰功能和社会认同功能。 最后,本文分析了图腾崇拜和外婚制的关系,以及外婚制的三大功能。其一,防止了近亲婚配所带来的不良影响,促进了人种的进化。其二,消除了氏族内部的性竞争,促进了氏族内部的团结。其三,它还是各氏族之间的社会黏合剂。图腾崇拜是澳大利亚土著人的行为规范,它贯穿着他们生活的方方面面。对其功能的研究有助于了解澳大利亚土著的原始文明,了解图腾崇拜如何规范他们的社会生活。
【关键词】:图腾 图腾崇拜 澳大利亚土著
- Acknowledgement4-5
- Abstract5-6
- 摘要6-8
- Introduction8-11
- Chapter One The concept of totemism11-15
- 1. An introduction to totemism11-12
- 2. The totemism in Australian Aborigines12-15
- Chapter Two Totemism’s function in social control15-29
- 1.Totemism: the earliest social organization system15-20
- 1.1 The function in identifying different groups16-18
- 1.2 The function in maintaining social organization18-19
- 1.3 The function in keeping peace and stability between different tribes19-20
- 2. Totemism: the legal system of Aboriginal society20-29
- 2.1 Totemism and taboo21-23
- 2.2 Taboo in totemism - the primitive law of Aborigines23-29
- 2.2.1 The function in warning and protection23-25
- 2.2.2 The function in punishment25-27
- 2.2.3 T he function in reconciliation and mediation27-29
- Chapter Three Totemism’s function in religion29-46
- 1. Totemism: the primitive religion of Aboriginal people29-36
- 1.1 The earliest religious belief - concept of totem30-31
- 1.2 The earliest religious myth - totemic myth31-33
- 1.3 The earliest holy land - sacred place of totem worship33-34
- 1.4 The earliest religious rite - totemic rite34-36
- 2. Totemism’functions as a primitive religion36-46
- 2.1 Function in mental consolation36-39
- 2.2 Function in teaching Aboriginal knowledge39-41
- 2.3 Function in social identity41-43
- 2.4 Function in morality43-46
- Chapter Four Totemism’s function in marriage life46-55
- 1. Totemism and exogamy46-47
- 2. Exogamy in the Australian Aboriginal society47-49
- 3. Functions of totemic exogamy49-55
- 3.1 Prevention of the ill effects of inbreeding49-51
- 3.2 Elimination of the tension caused by sexual rivalries and promotion of clan solidarity51-52
- 3.3 Serving as a social bond between different groups52-55
- Conclusion55-57
- Bibliography57-58
- Glossary58-60
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1 廖杨;图腾崇拜与原始宗教的起源[J];广西民族研究;1998年01期