【关键词】:翻尸节 马达加斯加 麦利那人 基督教精神
- Abstract6-7
- 摘要7-14
- Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION14-18
- 1. Research Approach14-15
- 2. Problem statement15-16
- 3. Research objective16
- 4. Research methodology16-17
- 5. Structure of the thesis17-18
- 1. Background context of Madagascar land, people and culture18-21
- 2. Reburial in the world21-24
- 3. The reburial "Famadihana" in the central area of Madagascar24-28
- 3.1 Origin of the custom Famadihana25-26
- 3.2 Etymology of the word "Famadihana"26
- 3.3 Types of Famadihana26-27
- 3.4 Traditional reburial ceremony & process27-28
- 4. Morale values and Cultural Dimension of famadihana28-33
- 4.1 Link between ancestor and the living in Malagasy culture31
- 4.2 target of famadihana31-32
- 4.3 Tombs and Tanindrazana32-33
- 5. Christianity and religious practice33-36
- 5.1 Christianity33-35
- 5.1.1 History of religion in Madagascar34-35
- 5.1.2 Christianity and its principles (moral values)35
- 5.2 Famadihana practise beside Religious beliefs35-36
- 5.2.1 Similarities between the religion concept and Famadihana reburial35
- 5.2.2 Biblical references about reburial and exhumation35-36
- 5.2.3 Importance of Raiamandreny (parents)36
- 6. Contradiction between Christianity belief and reburial concept36-40
- 6.1 About the dead spirits36-37
- 6.2 About the worship37
- 6.3 Confusion and misunderstanding in intercultural communication37-39
- 6.3.1 Concept of God in the Malagasy traditional belief and Christianity37-38
- 6.3.2 Enculturation and contextualisation38-39
- 6.4 Compromise between Reburial and Christianity39-40
- 1. Methodology of research, Data collection and analysis40
- 2. Method of Data collection40
- 3. Source of data collection40-41
- 4. Ethnography and observation41-54
- 4.1 Presentation of the Ambohibary Sambaina41
- 4.2 Geographic localisation: the village Tsarahonenana41-43
- 4.3 Village history43
- 4.4 Population and characteristics (habitat)43
- 4.5 Economic activities43-44
- 4.6 Rituals and traditional practises respected (ody, fady, fomban-drazana)44-45
- 4.6.1 Ody (Amulets and talismans)44
- 4.6.2 Fady (Taboo or prohibited)44
- 4.6.3 Fomban-drazana (ancestor's rituals)44-45
- 4.7 The second funeral and the land of ancestor in Ambohibary Sambaina45-48
- 4.7.1 famadihana in Ambohibary Sambaina and its Specificities45-46
- 4.7.2 description of famadihana46-48
- 4.7.3 Frequency of the practise48
- 4.8 Meaning behind the famadihana in Sambaina48-51
- 4.8.1 Ancestor land and people49-50
- 4.8.2 Impacts of famadihana50-51
- 4.9 Religious practices and surrounding churches51-54
- 4.9.1 Lutherans church (FLM) and its history in Vakinakaratra52-53
- 4.9.2 the Lutheran church principles beside famadihana53-54
- 5. Church Leaders point of view54-62
- 5.1 Point of view of Christians practicians of famadihana (CPT)55-58
- 5.1.1 Respect of the raiamandreny and ask for blessing57-58
- 5.1.2 Familial solidarity58
- 5.1.3 the practice of famadihana is a custom rather than a religion58
- 5.2 Point of view of Christians non practicians of famadihana and critics58-59
- 5.2.1 Important expenditures58
- 5.2.2 cult of ancestors58-59
- 5.2.3 The practise of famadihana is contradictory with Christianity principles59
- 5.3 Point of view of Christian sects and non Christians and immigrant about famadihana59-62
- 5.3.1 Almost all of Christian Sects don't practice famadihana59
- 5.3.2 rivalry and competition between churches59-62
- 1. Tradition to discuss62-64
- 2. Traditions to leave64
- 3. Tradition to keep64-66
- Chapter 5: CONCLUSION66-68
- References68-76
- Appendix76-81
- Acknowledgment81
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