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发布时间:2018-03-10 19:04

  本文选题:采煤塌陷区 切入点:有机氯农药 出处:《安徽理工大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The coal mining subsidence area is caused by excessive coal mining, resulting in a large area of subsidence and collapse above the goaf. After rainfall and groundwater infiltration, a large area of water area appears, and the original terrestrial environment becomes the water environment. In view of the persistence and bioaccumulation of organochlorine pesticides in the environment, they can accumulate in organisms and eventually endanger human health. It is of great significance to study the fate behavior of OCPs. This paper selects Yangzhuang coal mining subsidence area of Huainan city as the research object, and analyzes the content of OCPs by collecting water samples and sediment samples from Yangzhuang subsidence area. The sediment-water steady-state fugacity model was established, and the regression behavior of 纬 -HCHs and pPH-DDT in the subsidence zone was simulated. The predicted concentrations of 纬 -HCHs and pPH-DDT in sediment were calculated, and the feasibility of the model was analyzed and compared. By analyzing the OCPs content in the water samples of Yangzhuang subsidence area for 15 and 16 years, it is found that the content of organochlorine pesticides in some sampling sites is on the high side under the influence of nearby coal gangue piles and mud rivers. The longitudinal distribution is basically the law of overlying interstitial water on the surface water, and 纬 -HCH accounts for a large proportion of the water samples in two years. It is one of the main components of HCHs, which accounts for a large proportion of DDTs in 15 and 16 years. It is one of the main components of DDTs. Therefore, it is more representative to select these two organochlorine pesticides for fugacity simulation. By analyzing the OCPs content in sediment samples of Yangzhuang subsidence area for 15 and 16 years, it can be found that: site 9, 10, 11. The concentrations of HCHs and DDTs (near the entrance of Nihe River and coal gangue heap) are higher than those at other points. And longitudinally, with the increase of sediment depth, the content of organochlorine pesticides decreased gradually. The distribution of TOC content in water was closely related to the surrounding environment. By analyzing the correlation between OCPs content and TOC content in water and sediment, it was found that there was a significant correlation between OCPs content and TOC content in sediment. In other words, the higher the TOC content in the sediment, the higher the organochlorine pesticide. Taking the y-HCH and pHP-DDT in OCPs in 2016 as an example, the parameter values were determined by the method of measuring and quoting the reference values, and then the steady-state fugacity model between sediment and water was established. The migration and transformation behavior of organochlorine pesticides in the collapsing water area was simulated and calculated, and the predicted value was compared with the measured value. It was found that the numerical deviation was within one order of magnitude, which indicated that the model was established successfully. It can reflect the migration and transformation behavior of organochlorine pesticides in Yangzhuang subsidence area. By analyzing and calculating the sensitivity coefficient of key parameters, the parameters that have great influence on the model are found out, and it is found that the sensitivity coefficient of settling rate of suspended matter is the largest. The sedimentation of suspended matter in sediment-water system plays an important role in the process of pollutant migration to sediment.


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