本文选题:OMI + 遥感反演 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来,随着城市化和工业化进程的高速推进,中国的空气质量呈现出恶化趋势,形成了以气溶胶和光化学烟雾为主的区域性复合污染特征的大气污染问题。由于气溶胶对能见度有明显的消减,中国的气溶胶污染问题受到了广泛的关注;不幸的是,对于同样可以引起健康问题的气态污染物,比如,SO_2,NO_2和挥发性有机物(Volatile Organic Compounds,VOCs)的研究相对较少。高浓度SO_2和NO_2不仅对环境有不利的影响尤其是对二次气溶胶有明显的贡献,还对人的身体有严重的危害。而VOCs作为二次气溶胶和臭氧形成的重要前驱物之一,对它排放的研究有助于区域臭氧和二次气溶胶的控制措施的制定。首先,本论文通过对美国航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration,NASA)Aura卫星的OMI传感器反演的SO_2和NO_2数据来探求河南省2005-2014年这两种气态污染物的变化趋势。卫星图像表明在河南北部,SO_2和NO_2的浓度比较高,而在河南的其它地区的浓度偏低。这两种污染物浓度的高值出现在冬季,低值出现在春/夏季。对于NO_2来说,2005-2014年的最高浓度出现在2011年,其中从2005年到2011年河南省的NO_2的年均增长为6.4%,而2011-2014年,NO_2浓度以每年10.6%的幅度降低;对于SO_2,2005-2014年的最高浓度出现在2007年,2005年至2011年SO_2浓度以每年17%的速度增加,其余的年份以每年7%的速度下降。由于脱硫措施的实施,SO_2/NO_2的比率从2007年开始降低,在2011年到2013年减幅最大,表明脱硫装置具有的良好性能和且来自移动源的NOx贡献不断的增加。其次,本论文通过文献调研,确定了典型污染源VOCs清单的分类为工业溶剂使用源,民用溶剂使用源,建筑表面涂层源,非道路移动源,油品挥发源和其它典型污染源。根据河南省和各地市的统计年鉴所提供的活动数据,以及文献调研所得的排放因子求得河南省2014年典型污染源VOCs的排放清单。结果显示,2014年河南省各个源的VOCs分别排放了35.9、39.5、54.0、18.1、20.5及7.2 kt,总计175.3kt。2014年河南省典型污染源VOCs排放量排前四位的是郑州市、周口市、洛阳市和南阳市,分别排放了28.7、14.9、14.4和13.2 kt;排名后四位的漯河市、三门峡市、鹤壁市和济源市,分别贡献了2014年河南省典型污染源VOCs的3%、3%、1%和1%。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of urbanization and industrialization, the air quality in China has shown a trend of deterioration, resulting in a regional air pollution problem characterized by aerosols and photochemical smog. Aerosol pollution in China has received widespread attention because of the apparent reduction in visibility caused by aerosols; unfortunately, for gaseous pollutants, which can also cause health problems, For example, there are relatively few studies on so _ 2 / no _ 2 and volatile Organic components / VOCs. High concentrations of SO_2 and NO_2 not only have adverse effects on the environment, especially on secondary aerosols, but also have serious harm to human body. As one of the important precursors of the formation of secondary aerosols and ozone, the study of VOCs emission is helpful to the formulation of control measures for regional ozone and secondary aerosols. Firstly, the SO_2 and NO_2 data obtained from the OMI sensor of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of NASAN Aura satellite are used to study the change trend of these two kinds of gaseous pollutants in Henan Province from 2005 to 2014. Satellite images show that the concentrations of SO2 and NO_2 in northern Henan are higher than those in other regions of Henan Province. The high concentration of these two pollutants occurred in winter and the low in spring / summer. For NO_2, the highest concentration in 2005-2014 occurred in 2011, in which the average annual increase of NO_2 in Henan Province from 2005 to 2011 was 6.4%, while the annual concentration of No2 decreased by 10.6% in 2011-2014; For SO2S 2005-2014, the highest levels were seen in 2007, with SO_2 levels rising at an annual rate of 17 percent from 2005 to 2011, and declining at an annual rate of 7 percent for the rest of the year. Due to the implementation of desulphurization measures, the ratio of so / o / no _ 2 has been decreasing since 2007, and the biggest decrease has been recorded between 2011 and 2013, indicating that the desulfurization unit has good performance and the contribution of NOx from mobile sources is increasing. Secondly, the VOCs list of typical pollution sources is classified as industrial solvent source, civil solvent source, building surface coating source, non-road moving source, oil volatile source and other typical pollution sources. According to the activity data provided by the statistical yearbooks of Henan Province and the cities and cities, and the emission factors obtained from the literature investigation, the emission inventory of VOCs from typical pollution sources of Henan Province in 2014 is obtained. The results showed that the VOCs emissions from different sources of Henan Province in 2014 were 35.9m ~ 39.5ng ~ 54.0g ~ 18.1g / 20.5 and 7.2 ktrespectively. In total, the top four sources of VOCs emissions of Henan Province in the year of 175.3kt.2014 were Zhengzhou, Zhoukou, Luoyang and Nanyang. The last four cities, Luohe City, Sanmenxia City, Hebi City and Jiyuan City, contributed 3% and 1% of the VOCs of typical pollution sources in Henan Province in 2014, respectively.
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