本文选题:毛乌素沙地东南缘 + 生态环境脆弱性 ; 参考:《西安理工大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:伴随整体经济体系的高速增长,脆弱生态区与大范围人类活动的不断重叠,针对生态环境构成的叠加特征,属于前世界范围内聚焦的核心问题之一。尤其是在荒漠化的情形之中,土地实际存在的显著退化问题,对于地方的自然环境构成了显著的负面影响,同时也对于区域建设产生了消极影响。依据2010年订正后的《中华人民共和国水土保持法》第十八条和二十一条规定,尤其是在生态脆弱区如何划分的问题上。亟需研究生态环境脆弱性,落实可操作性的生态脆弱区划分方案体系,推动《水土保持法》的贵彻落实。毛乌素沙地整体而言,涵盖陕西、内蒙古以及宁夏等多个区域的交界地带,本文以陕西榆林地区即毛乌素沙地东南缘,涵盖榆阳区、神木县、靖边县、横山县和定边县,在榆阳区开辟了土地整治工程示范区,展开了一系列试验并对示范区的生态环境脆弱性进行了综合评价。本文主要研究成果如下:(1)通过对工程区生态环境主题评价的实例应用具体阐述基于指标体系动态变化的评价服务。对于复杂的决策评价问题,参照社会管理思维模式,将其分解为多个简单的主题,把复杂问题形式化、结构化、相对简化,不仅能够更透彻的分析问题,而且能从多方面辩证的看待问题,有力地支撑管理决策。(2)借助知识平台的信息化处理手段,建立数据仓库,搭建服务支撑平台,建设组件库,多种评价模型方法组件化,准备好前期工作。对于示范区的脆弱性问题开展对应的评价工作,探讨综合工程的生态环境修复效应,并对整治后主要工程的生态环境影响进行评价。经过梳理,明确主题,分为敏感度、压力度、弹性度等三大主题,通过具体数据,,具体算法的实例化应有,得出生态环境脆弱性的具体等级。(3)根据生态环境敏感主题评价结果得出2014年榆阳区土地整治工程示范区生态环境敏感度主题对各等级的隶属度排序为“中度”、“轻度”、“较轻度”、“较重度”、“重度”,等级“中度”的隶属度最大为0.36。为“轻度”、“较轻度” 、“中度”、“较重度”、“重度”分别赋分值5、4、3、2、1,最终得分结果为3.46。结果表明示范区生态环境脆弱性等级在2014年处于“较重度”与“中度”之间,偏向于“中度”,与2011年评价结果对比,生态环境质量有所下降。新增加的“空气质量日报优良率”处于较重度水平,示范区应当采取措施,控制PM2.5等主要空气污染物的排放。(4)根据生态环境压力度主题,模糊综合评判法中2014年的评价结果仅仅略微高于“较轻度”,同样综合指数法中2011年的评价结果也略微低于“中度”,所以就2016年的评价结果来说,水资源和土地资源的利用效率还可以进一步提高,农业总产值仍有提升空间。(5)根据生态环境弹性度主题,由灵敏度分析结果可得,相对于多年6~9月降雨量,植被覆盖率的灵敏度更高,其对示范区生态环境弹性度的影响更大,因此重视植被覆盖率,更容易提高示范区的生态环境弹性度,进而保障示范区的生态环境健康发展。最后研讨分析并适应性调节,基于综合集成平台快速组成决策评价应对系统,提高决策能力,全面具体的评价了榆阳区大纪汗村工程示范区的生态环境脆弱性,为示范区生态环境的可持续发展,具有理论指导意义。
[Abstract]:With the rapid growth of the overall economic system and the continuous overlapping of the fragile ecological areas and large range of human activities, the superposition characteristics of the ecological environment constitute one of the core issues in the previous world. Especially in the case of desertification, the significant degradation of the actual land is made up of the local natural environment. There is a significant negative impact on regional construction, and it has a negative impact on regional construction. According to the eighteenth and twenty-one provisions of the "People's Republic of China soil and water conservation law" revised in 2010, especially on how the ecological fragile areas are divided, it is urgent to study the fragility of the ecological environment and the implementation of the operable ecological fragile areas. As a whole, Maowusu sandy land covers the border areas of Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia and Ningxia, which covers the southeast edge of maowu sand land in Shaanxi Yulin, covering Yuyang District, Shenmu county, Jingbian County, Hengshan county and Dingbian County, and opening up land renovation project in Yuyang district. The demonstration area has carried out a series of experiments and comprehensive evaluation of the ecological environment vulnerability of the demonstration area. The main research results of this paper are as follows: (1) the evaluation service based on the dynamic changes of the index system is elaborated through the application of the subject evaluation of the ecological environment in the engineering area. It decomposes it into a number of simple topics, and formalisms, structuralization, and simplification of complex problems. It not only can analyze the problems more thoroughly, but also can view the problems more thoroughly and dialectically, and strongly support the management decision. (2) the information processing means of the knowledge platform, the establishment of the data warehouse, the construction of service support platform, and the construction of the service support platform The component library, a variety of evaluation model methods are component-based, prepare the early work, carry out the corresponding evaluation work on the vulnerability problem of the demonstration area, explore the ecological environment restoration effect of the comprehensive project, and evaluate the ecological environment effect of the main projects after the renovation. After combing, the theme is clearly divided into sensitivity, pressure, elasticity and so on. Three major topics, through specific data, specific algorithms should be instantiated to get the specific level of ecological environment vulnerability. (3) according to the ecological environment sensitive topic evaluation results, the 2014 Yuyang district land renovation project demonstration area ecological environment sensitivity theme of the degree of subordinate rank of each grade is "moderate", "mild", "mild" "More severe," "severe", "moderate" with the largest degree of 0.36. as "mild", "mild", "moderate", "more severe" and "severe", respectively, are assigned a separate value of 5,4,3,2,1. The final result is that the 3.46. results in the ecological environment of the demonstration area are "relatively severe" and "moderate" in 2014. In contrast to "moderate", compared with the results of the 2011 evaluation, the quality of the ecological environment has declined. The newly added "good rate of air quality daily" is in a relatively severe level, and the demonstration area should take measures to control the emission of major air pollutants such as PM2.5. (4) according to the theme of the ecological environment pressure and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method in 2014, The results of the evaluation are only slightly higher than the "mild", and the evaluation results of the comprehensive index method in 2011 are slightly lower than "moderate", so the utilization efficiency of water resources and land resources can be further improved in the 2016 evaluation results, and the total agricultural output value still has the lift space. (5) according to the theme of the ecological environment elasticity, the spirit is from the spirit. The sensitivity analysis results can be obtained that the sensitivity of vegetation coverage is higher than that of 6~9 months of years. It has greater impact on the ecological environment elasticity of the demonstration area. Therefore, it is more important to pay more attention to the vegetation coverage rate, to improve the ecological environment elasticity of the demonstration area, and to ensure the healthy development of the ecological environment in the demonstration area. Finally, the study and adaptation are discussed and adapted. On the basis of the integrated integration platform, the decision evaluation response system is quickly formed on the basis of the integrated integrated platform, and the decision-making ability is improved. The ecological environment vulnerability of the Yuyang grand Khan village project demonstration area is comprehensively and concretely evaluated. It is of theoretical guiding significance for the sustainable development of the ecological environment in the demonstration area.
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