本文选题:PPP + 垃圾焚烧发电 ; 参考:《浙江理工大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着我国不断加快推进城市化建设的步伐,城市人口数量和密度持续增长,城市居民在生产生活中产生的各种垃圾废弃物的数量急剧增加,如何科学合理地处理城市生活垃圾成为许多城市面临的棘手问题。为此,在多方举措推进环境友好型、资源节约型社会建设的进程中,必须拓展垃圾无害化处理的有效途径,而利用垃圾焚烧发电具有实现保护环境和节约能源的双重作用,对于实现城市可持续发展具有重要意义,必将成为未来垃圾处理的重要方式。将PPP(Public-Private Partnership;公私合营)模式应用于垃圾焚烧发电项目,让社会资本参与垃圾处理基础设施的建设与运营,可以在实现垃圾资源化、无害化处理的同时解决政府财政压力的问题。由于PPP垃圾焚烧发电项目垃圾处理费的定价是项目成功运作的关键,本文基于相关影响因数对其定价模型进行了探讨研究。影响PPP垃圾焚烧发电项目垃圾处理费定价的因素包括两类。第一类是财务评价的各类可以量化的参数,包括项目财务评价的现金流入流出的组成等参数,本文通过具体案例财务数据的研究对其进行了整理归纳。基于第一类参数,本文从净现值理论出发,采用系统动力学的理论方法,在Vensim软件的辅助下建立了PPP垃圾焚烧发电项目垃圾处理费的初始定价模型,并用实际案例验证了模型的有效性。第二类是不可量化的因素,主要是指影响PPP垃圾焚烧发电项目垃圾处理费定价的各类风险因素。本文在通过对45个在建设运营过程中出现问题的案例进行研究初步识别PPP垃圾焚烧发电项目的风险因素组成的基础上结合专家意见和现有研究成果进行补充完善,得到了由27个风险因素组成的项目风险清单,并利用RBS(风险结构分析)法归类整理得到了PPP垃圾焚烧发电项目风险分解结构。基于第二类因素,本文借鉴已有专家学者采用案例推理(Case-based reasoning;CBR)技术进行PPP项目特许定价调整的相关研究成果建立了基于风险评估的PPP垃圾处理费价格的修正机制。本文定价模型应用于实际,将有助于社会资本和政府部门进行PPP垃圾焚烧项目的投资决策与特许协议的谈判与签订,进而促进基于PPP投融资模式的垃圾焚烧发电项目的发展和推广普及。
[Abstract]:With the accelerating pace of urbanization construction in China, the number and density of urban population continue to increase, and the amount of garbage waste produced by urban residents in production and life has increased sharply. How to deal with MSW scientifically and rationally has become a difficult problem in many cities. Therefore, in the process of promoting the construction of environment-friendly and resource-conserving society in many ways, it is necessary to expand the effective ways of harmless disposal of garbage, and the use of waste incineration for power generation has the dual function of protecting the environment and saving energy. It is of great significance to realize the sustainable development of the city and will become an important way of garbage disposal in the future. The application of PPP(Public-Private partnership (public-private partnership) model to waste incineration power generation projects, allowing social capital to participate in the construction and operation of waste treatment infrastructure, can solve the problem of government financial pressure while realizing the recycling and innocuous treatment of waste. As the pricing of waste disposal fee for PPP waste incineration power generation project is the key to the successful operation of the project, the pricing model of the project is studied based on the relevant influence factors. There are two kinds of factors that influence the pricing of waste disposal fee in PPP waste incineration power generation project. The first is the quantifiable parameters of financial evaluation, including the composition of cash inflow and outflow of project financial evaluation. Based on the first kind of parameters, based on the theory of net present value (NPV) and the theoretical method of system dynamics, the initial pricing model of waste disposal fee for PPP waste incineration power generation project is established with the aid of Vensim software. The validity of the model is verified by an actual case. The second category is non-quantifiable factors, which mainly refer to the various risk factors that affect the pricing of waste disposal fee in PPP waste incineration power generation project. On the basis of the preliminary identification of the risk factors of the PPP waste incineration power generation project through the study of 45 cases of problems in the construction and operation process, this paper combined with the expert opinion and the existing research results to complement and perfect. The project risk list consisting of 27 risk factors is obtained, and the risk decomposition structure of PPP waste incineration power generation project is sorted out by using RBS (risk structure analysis) method. Based on the second kind of factors, this paper uses the relevant research results of Case-based reasoning (CBR) technology to adjust the concession pricing of PPP projects, and establishes a mechanism to modify the cost of PPP garbage disposal based on risk assessment. This paper applies the pricing model to practice, which will be helpful for social capital and government departments to make investment decisions and negotiate and sign concession agreements for PPP MSW incineration projects. And then promote the development and popularization of MSW incineration power generation project based on PPP investment and financing mode.
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