本文选题:云南高原 + 气态汞 ; 参考:《昆明理工大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:汞具有特殊的物理和化学特性,可以在各种生态系统中进行迁移和转化。汞不仅对污染源排放地有危害,还可在环境大气中进行长距离传输迁移,进而危害其他地区。近年来,欧美等发达国家大气汞污染呈现下降趋势,而亚洲中的发展中国家大气汞污染仍呈上升趋势。国内研究多集中于沿海大中城市或偏远地区,对西南高原地区城市研究较少,云南具有丰富矿产资源,冶炼活动频繁,排放了大量的汞,严重影响了人体健康,开展相关地区的大气汞监测研究,对改善空气质量,保护人群健康有重要意义。本研究于2016年4月至2017年4月在昆明理工大学呈贡校区环工楼顶进行为期一年的采样及分析工作,并于2017年3月采集分析了东风东路、新螺蛳湾和西山森林公园的样品,环境样品用镀金石英砂管采集分析,2015年6月、2015年8月、9月及2016年10月、11月昆明、玉溪、文山和保山采集分析了工业污染源样品,2016年8月、9月采集分析了民用燃煤炉生物质燃烧及无烟煤燃烧烟气汞样品和机动车尾气中烟气汞样品,人为源样品采用稀释通道与二次金汞齐法结合采样,分析环境中气态汞时空分布特征及人为排放源的污染特征,结论如下:(1)在2016~2017年采样期间,昆明市气态汞的平均浓度为4.02±1.86ng/m~3,其季节变化特征是夏季浓度最高,其次为秋季与冬季,春季浓度最低,四季气态汞的浓度基本为日间高于夜间。从空间变化上看,昆明市气态汞浓度在商业区(新螺蛳湾)、交通密集区(东风东路)较高,在文教区(环工楼)和清洁对照点(西山森林公园)浓度较低(2)在采样期间,由于臭氧等氧化物浓度较高,气态元素汞易发生氧化反应,导致气态汞浓度较低,昆明春季气态汞浓度与气温呈现出负相关关系;夏季、秋季与冬季温度升高光照强度增加,大气汞的光致还原过程和微生物还原过程会加强,土壤释汞量增加,使气态汞浓度升高,因此呈现出正相关关系,其中秋季气态汞浓度与气温显著正相关;春季气态汞浓度与相对湿度呈现出正相关关系,夏季、秋季和冬季的气态汞浓度与相对湿度呈负相关关系。(3)降雨时,气态汞浓度略有增加,持续降雨时,气态汞浓度有下降趋势。降雨初期,土壤孔隙扩大,土壤矿物表面的Hg0释放及Hg2+通过光致还原生成Hg0,使气态汞浓度升高,当降雨量过大时,温度的降低使汞的蒸气压降低,汞的迁移能力降低,并且土壤含水量过高时土壤孔隙堵塞,使气态汞浓度呈现下降的趋势。(4)人为污染源方面民用燃煤中无烟煤浓度范围为7.44~9.29μg/m~3,生物质(薪柴)样品烟气汞浓度范围为2.14~4.23μg/m~3;无烟煤中汞含量为0.12mg/kg,低于此前国内煤中汞含量的研究,生物质(薪柴)中汞的含量为11.95μg/kg。(5)机动车尾气研究中中型货车尾气汞浓度最高,柴油公交车和柴油小型车次之,汽油小型车尾气浓浓度最低。(6)工业污染源中燃煤电厂工业锅炉烟气汞排放系数近似为53μg/kg;溶剂厂工业锅炉烟气汞排放系数近似为73.23mg/t;水松纸厂水煤炉锅炉烟气汞排放系数近似为35.42mg/t;硅厂工业锅炉烟气汞排放系数近似为6.15g/t;烟叶复烤厂工业锅炉烟气汞排放系数近似为89.44mg/t;制药厂工业锅炉烟气汞排放系数近似为2.36mg/t。(7)水泥生产企业烟气汞的平均浓度为3.32μg/m~3,通过布袋除尘和SCR脱硝处理过的窑尾水泥汞排放系数近似为21.3mg/t;通过布袋除尘处理过的窑炉水泥汞排放因子为7.10mg/t;通过静电除尘处理后的窑尾汞排放系数近似为15.87mg/t。钢铁冶炼生产中烧结烟气样品、高炉排放口烟气样品和转炉排放口烟气样品汞浓度分别为4.5μg/m~3、14.41μg/m~3和18.01μg/m~3,粗钢的汞排放系数近似为 0.11g/t。(8)根据2015年云南省统计年鉴烟草制造业原煤消耗量、医药制造业原煤消耗量、水泥产量、粗钢产量估算出2015年云南省烟草制造业汞排放量为22.68kg;估算出2015年云南省医药制造业汞排放量为0.3kg;估算出2015年云南省水泥汞排放量为1.40t;估算出2015年云南省粗钢汞排放量为1.86t。
[Abstract]:Mercury has special physical and chemical properties and can be transferred and transformed in various ecosystems. Mercury is not only harmful to the emission of pollution sources, but also can be transported in the ambient atmosphere for long distance transmission, thus endangering other areas. In recent years, the atmospheric mercury pollution in the developed countries such as Europe and America presents a downward trend, and the development of Asia is in the development. The atmospheric mercury pollution in the country is still on the rise. Domestic research is concentrated in large and medium coastal cities or remote areas. There are few studies on the cities in the southwest plateau. Yunnan has rich mineral resources, frequent smelting activities and a large amount of mercury, which seriously affect human health, and the atmospheric mercury monitoring research in the related areas to improve the air quality. This study was conducted for one year from April 2016 to April 2017 at the top of the Chenggong campus of Chenggong campus for one year. In March 2017, the samples of Dongfeng East Road, new snail Bay and Xishan Forest Park were collected and analyzed, and the environmental samples were collected and analyzed with gold plated quartz sand tube, 20 In June, August 2015, August 2015, September and October 2016, Kunming, Yuxi, Wenshan and Baoshan collected and analyzed the samples of industrial pollution sources, August 2016, August 2016, August 2016, and September, collected and analyzed the biomass combustion of the civil coal burning furnace and the mercury samples from the smoke of the anthracite coal and the flue gas in the exhaust gas of the motor vehicle. The dilution channel and the gold amalgam method were used for the human source samples. The spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of gaseous mercury in the environment and the pollution characteristics of anthropogenic emission sources are analyzed in the light of sampling. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the average concentration of gaseous mercury in Kunming is 4.02 + 1.86ng/m~3 during the 2016~2017 year sampling period, and its seasonal variation is the highest in summer, followed by autumn and winter, the lowest in spring and the concentration of four seasons gaseous mercury. From the spatial change, the concentration of gaseous mercury in Kunming is in the commercial area (New snail Bay), the traffic intensive area (Dongfeng East Road) is higher, the concentration in the culture and education area (ring work building) and the clean control point (Xishan Forest Park) is low (2) during the sampling period, because the concentration of ozone and other oxides is high, the gaseous element mercury is easy to oxidize. As a result, the concentration of gaseous mercury is low, and the concentration of gaseous mercury in Kunming has a negative correlation with the temperature in spring. In summer, the light intensity of the autumn and winter increases, the reduction process of atmospheric mercury and the process of microbial reduction will be strengthened, the amount of mercury release in the soil increases and the concentration of gaseous mercury is increased, so there is a positive correlation in autumn. The concentration of Quaternary gaseous mercury is positively correlated with the temperature, and the concentration of gaseous mercury in spring has a positive correlation with relative humidity. In summer, the concentration of gaseous mercury in autumn and winter is negatively correlated with relative humidity. (3) when rainfall, the concentration of gaseous mercury is slightly increased, and the concentration of gas mercury is decreased when the rainfall is sustained. Hg0 release on the surface of soil mineral and Hg2+ by light induced reduction of Hg0 make the concentration of gaseous mercury increase. When the rainfall is too large, the temperature decreases, the vapor pressure of the mercury is reduced, the migration ability of mercury is reduced, and the soil porosity is blocked when the soil water content is too high. (4) civil combustion of human pollution sources is used for civil combustion. The concentration range of anthracite coal in coal is 7.44 ~ 9.29 mu g/m~3, the concentration range of mercury in biomass (firewood) samples is 2.14 ~ 4.23 mu g/m~3, and the mercury content in anthracite coal is 0.12mg/kg, which is lower than the mercury content in the previous domestic coal. The mercury content in biomass (firewood) is 11.95 mu g/kg. (5) in the study of vehicle exhaust gas, the mercury concentration of the tail gas of medium truck is the highest. For diesel buses and small diesel engines, the gas concentration of small gasoline cars is the lowest. (6) the mercury emission coefficient of industrial boiler flue gas is approximately 53 g/kg in the industrial pollution source, and the mercury emission coefficient of the flue gas of the industrial boiler is approximately 73.23mg/t, and the mercury emission coefficient of the flue gas of the water coal boiler is approximately 35.42mg/t; The mercury emission coefficient of the industrial boiler flue gas is approximately 6.15g/t, and the mercury emission factor of the industrial boiler flue gas is approximately 89.44mg/t, and the mercury emission coefficient of the industrial boiler flue gas is approximately 2.36mg/t. (7), the average concentration of mercury in the flue gas of the cement production enterprise is 3.32 Mu g/m~3, and the mercury emission from the tail of the kiln through the cloth bag and SCR denitrification treatment is obtained. The coefficient of the coefficient is approximately 21.3mg/t, and the mercury emission factor of the kiln with the bag dust removal is 7.10mg/t, and the mercury emission factor of the tail of the kiln after the electrostatic precipitator is approximately the sample of the sintering flue gas in the 15.87mg/t. steel smelting production. The mercury concentration of the sample of the blast furnace exhaust gas and the flue gas sample of the converter outlet is 4.5 mu g/m~3,14.41 mu g/m, respectively. ~3 and 18.01 mu g/m~3, the mercury emission coefficient of coarse steel is approximately 0.11g/t. (8) according to the consumption of raw coal in the tobacco manufacturing industry of Yunnan Province in 2015, the consumption of raw coal in the pharmaceutical industry, the output of cement and the yield of coarse steel are estimated to be 22.68kg in 2015, and the mercury emission in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry of Yunnan Province in 2015 is estimated. For 0.3KG, it was estimated that the mercury emission from cement in Yunnan province was 1.40t in 2015, and the mercury emission from crude steel in Yunnan province was estimated to be 1.86t. in 2015.
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