[Abstract]:In this paper, three legume plants, (Pisum sativum), Violet cowpea, (Vigna unguiculata) and (Lablab purpureus), were used as experimental materials. The growth index, resistance physiology and remediation potential of three legume plants under copper (Cu) tailings stress were studied by pot culture. The main results are as follows: (1) the effects of different Cu tailings on the growth of three legume plants and the enrichment of metal ions were studied by pot experiment. The results showed that the three legume plants had a certain adaptability to Cu tailings, and pea had the strongest tolerance to pure Cu tailings, and the dry weight of both aboveground and underground parts was higher than that of pure soil. Nitrogen fixation ability of three legumes, purple cowpeas, peas and lentils. The contents of Cu in the aboveground and underground parts of three legume plants under different tailings treatments were significantly higher than those of the control (P0.05). The Cu content of the three legume plants was mostly stagnant at the root, and the Cu mobility of both purple pea and purple cowpea was less than 1. (2) the stress test of Cu tailings sand and soil with different mixing ratio was carried out. The effects of Cu tailings on the physiological indexes of three legumes were studied. The results showed that the content of MDA in the aboveground part of pea seedlings and lentils increased first and then decreased with the increase of Cu content, while the MDA content in the seedlings of Violet cowpea and in the underground part of purple lentils decreased. The activities of other enzymes in the three legumes showed a downward trend except that the SOD activity of pea rose gradually and the CAT of the aboveground part of purple lentils rose first and then decreased. The contents of AsA, GSH and GSH of purple lentils decreased, while the GSH content of Violet cowpea increased with the increase of Cu tailings. (3) under the treatment of whole tailings, the content of GSH increased. The effects of three legume plants and Acorus calamus on Cu enrichment and substrate enzyme activity were studied. The results showed that growth and tolerance index I P treatment, I treatment I treatment, I H treatment I H treatment I V treatment, urease activity I P treatment I V treatment I H treatment, phosphatase activity I V treatment other two kinds of treatment, I P treatment I H treatment, I H treatment I H treatment, Dehydrogenase activity I P treatment I V treatment I H treatment, I H treatment I H treatment. The results showed that the compound planting of Acorus calamus and pea had the strongest effect on the recovery of Cu tailings sand. (4) the effects of applying nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and bacterial fertilizer on the growth and Cu2 enrichment of two legume plants were studied by applying nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to Cu tailings. The results showed that nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and bacterial fertilizer promoted the tolerance of purple cowpea planted in pure Cu tailings, but had no effect on the tolerance of purple lentils. The concentration of Cu in Violet cowpea was significantly higher than that in CK under nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and bacterial fertilizer treatments, while Cu concentration in Violet lentils was significantly higher than that in CK only under Bacterium-Fertilizer treatment, but Cu enrichment coefficient and Cu mobility in Violet lentils were higher than those in Violet cowpea. The results show that all three legume plants can grow in Cu tailings and improve the environment of tailings matrix. And absorb a certain amount of Cu, among which the compound planting of Acorus calamus and pea has the strongest tolerance and remediation ability to Cu tailings sand.
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