[Abstract]:Short chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) are a class of complex SCCPs with long distance transport, environmental persistence, bioaccumulation and certain biotoxicity, which have been included in the Stockholm Convention on persistent Organic pollutants (pops) controlled list. The production and use of chlorinated paraffin is the most in China, and the production of SCCPs has not been restricted. Short chain chlorinated paraffins (short-chain chlorinated paraffins SCCPs) are n-alkane derivatives with carbon chain length of 10-13 and chlorine atom substitution number of 1-13. Industrial SCCPs are synthesized by the reaction of chlorine gas with n-alkanes, so the SCCPs produced are a mixture of tens of thousands of homologues and isomers, and the chlorination degree is usually 30% (by mass). At present, gas chromatography negative chemical source mass spectrometry is used to determine SCCPs in the environment, and it is found that SCCPs are ubiquitous in the environment. In this paper, the composition of SCCPs commercial standard was determined and analyzed. The results showed that in the 630-13 SCCPs standard of chlorine content, the percentage composition of chlorinated C10C11C11C12C13 was 10.1% and 33.833.833.1%, respectively. In the 65.02%Cl of Chloroparaffin C10, it was mainly composed of 7 chlorinated compounds and 8 chlorinated compounds. Chloroparaffin C11 65.25%Cl was mainly composed of 8 chlorinated compounds and 9 chlorinated compounds, 40% and 32% Chloroparaffin C1269.98%Cl were mainly 9 chlorinated compounds and 10 chlorinated compounds, respectively, and 37% and 35% Chloroparaffin C1365.18%Cl were mainly 9 chlorinated compounds, accounting for 50% or so. The results of analysis of SCCPs in Baiyangdian water and sediments in China show that the concentration of SCCPs in Baiyangdian water is in the range of 1562.8N 56 305.9 ng / L, the average value is 7223 ng / L, the median is 3168.9 ng / L, and the concentration of SCCPs in sediments is in the range of 1270~254203ng/g (dry weight). The average is 24454 ng / g, and the median is 3458 ng / g. The pollution trend of SCCPs in Baiyangdian water and sediment was basically consistent. In general, SCCPs was detected in water and sediment of 15 sampling sites in Baiyangdian, and the detection rate was 100. The main congeners were hexachloro and SCCPs of carbon chain C10 and C11 and heptachlor. The results of principal component analysis show that the main pollution characteristics in Baiyangdian sediments are C10H15Cl7, C10H15Cl7, C12H13Cl9, C13H14Cl8, C11H16Cl6, C12H16Cl6, C13H16Cl6. Compared with the domestic and foreign Baiyangdian pollution level is higher. The Yangtze River Valley is one of the areas with high level of economic development and urbanization. With the development of economy, a large amount of domestic sewage and industrial wastewater are discharged into the Yangtze River, and the pollution is becoming more and more serious. So, this paper collected the water and sediment from the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. The pollution characteristics of SCCPs were studied. SCCPs were detected in all sampling sites and the detection rate was 100%. The range of SCCPs concentration in water is between 1131~65640ng/L and the average concentration is 18989ng / L and the median is 14691ng / L. The sediment concentration is in the range of 251.9-397600.4ng/g (dry weight), the average concentration is 54512ng / g, the median concentration is 2363.7ng / g. The pollution level in the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River is lower than that in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The SCCPs in the Yangtze River 14, Yangtze River 15, Changjiang 21 and Yangtze River 5 are higher, with the SCCPs of chain length C10 and C13 as the main congeners. There was no correlation between the median particle size of sediment and the pollution level of SCCPs, but there was a positive correlation between the concentration of SCCPs in organic matter and the concentration of SCCPs in sediment. The concentration of SCCPs in the filtration membrane was in the range of 1868ng/L~513335.9ng/L, with an average of 64219ng / L and a median value of 8211ng / L. Compared with foreign countries, the level of pollution is higher. The main components in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River mainly come from HCH and chlordated short chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs).
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