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发布时间:2018-08-26 20:20
[Abstract]:In recent years, Beijing is showing a high-speed development trend, the economy and the total population continues to increase. With the acceleration of urban construction in the world and the development of sub-center construction, sewage treatment and reclaimed water reuse engineering facilities, which are urban infrastructure facilities, lag behind obviously. The main results are as follows: (1) the increasing primary sewage in the scope of the pipe network has exceeded the treatment capacity of the existing sewage treatment plant, resulting in frequent overflowing phenomenon in some sewage treatment plants; (2) the construction of the sewage collection pipe network in the newly built and rebuilt residential areas is lagging behind. There are still blind areas of sewage treatment coverage in urban and rural areas, leakage of sewage and direct discharge of primary sewage into rivers; (3) the design of effluent quality standards of existing sewage treatment plants cannot meet the environmental requirements of surface water; (4) the construction of capacity for reclaimed water treatment and reuse lags behind. It is difficult to meet the ecological water demand of river channel. In this study, the central urban district of Beijing was divided into four watersheds, Qinghe, Ba, Tonghui and Liangshui, and through the analysis of the population and economy of the river basin, The current situation of sewage treatment plants in the four watersheds and the upgrading or planning of sewage treatment plants during the 13th Five-Year Plan period, including the operation, treatment process, sewage treatment capacity, etc., and the analysis of the water quality status of key rivers in the basin, It is concluded that the total load rate of sewage treatment plants in the four major watersheds is 95.95, but the imbalance in spatial distribution causes some sewage treatment plants to be overloaded, and the sewage collection and treatment rate is only 85.5, which results in a large amount of primary sewage entering the river. Especially in the region outside the five rings, the sewage treatment capacity of the four major watersheds is 2.914 million m3 / d, and the output of wastewater accounting is 3.407 million m3 / d, with a gap of 493000 m3 / d. It is estimated that the wastewater treatment capacity of the four major watersheds will reach 4.97 million m3 / d in 2020, and the sewage production will reach 4.64 million m3 / d by then. The treatment capacity of each watershed can be satisfied, but the margin is not much. According to the existing problems, the paper puts forward some suggestions on the construction of sewage treatment facilities and urban development in the four watersheds.


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