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发布时间:2018-10-11 18:29
[Abstract]:The rapid development of the fourth industrial revolution, represented by artificial intelligence, especially the breakthroughs in energy and new material technologies, is highly likely to change the existing energy pattern of mankind. It has a great influence on the traditional environmental management system based on fossil energy. Therefore, this paper reviews the representative scientific and technological progress of the fourth Industrial Revolution and analyzes its positive impact on the national environmental governance system. (1) it will change the industrial, agricultural and urban forms based on fossil energy. Break the high dependence of economic development on resources, energy and land, completely bid farewell to environmental pollution and ecological destruction; (2) will truly realize the current and future data accurate decision-making, significantly improve the ability of mankind to deal with uncertain environmental risks. On the other hand, because artificial intelligence will greatly enhance the individual citizen's ability to master complex science, technology and social rules, it will change the traditional governance structure of government, market and society. New challenges to the formulation and implementation of government policies in the area of environmental governance: (I) the ability of the public to challenge any policy that the Government makes against itself, The pressure of open and transparent decision-making on government information is unprecedented; (2) Social media have significantly reduced public attention to government and mainstream media information, posing new challenges to how governments use new social media to promote and educate on environmental protection, At the same time, it also puts forward a new topic on how social management departments cultivate environmental protection social organizations and make up for the gaps caused by the decline in government influence. (3) individuals can simultaneously have the ability to deal with complex social problems such as lawyers, accountants, journalists, etc. It challenges the government to maintain the interests of social fairness and stability, and puts forward higher requirements for environmental justice. At present, China is carrying out environmental system reform and innovation, pursuing the modernization of environmental governance system and governance ability. How to pay attention to, analyze and actively adapt to the changes in economic base and superstructure caused by technological change, and avoid the mismatch of institutional resources. It is particularly important for a country like ours that is industrializing. Finally, the paper suggests that we should pay close attention to the frontier research progress in this field, take the future technological environment as the starting point in the process of formulating development planning and reform measures, and strengthen governance innovation. It is necessary to strengthen the research on the bidirectional impact of technology on the national governance system and governance ability, to promote government reform and innovation, and to provide better public goods for the people.
【作者单位】: 清华大学公共管理学院;中国环境与发展国际合作委员会秘书处;


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