[Abstract]:In order to study the seasonal pollution characteristics and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,PAHs) and organochlorine pesticides (organochlorine pesticides,OCPs) in the surface water of Baiyangdian Lake, 12 monitoring sections of Baiyangdian Lake were analyzed. Concentrations of 17 PAHs and 15 OCPs in surface water in summer and summer. The results showed that the total concentration range of PAHs in surface water of Baiyangdian in spring was 35.388.06 ng L ~ (-1), the average value was 46.57 ng L ~ (-1), and the total concentration of PAHs in surface water in summer was 25.64 ~ 301.41 ng L ~ (-1). The mean value was 76.23 ng L ~ (-1); The total concentration range of OCPs in surface water of Baiyangdian in spring is 0.69 ~ 4.50 ng L ~ (-1), the average is 1.77 ng L ~ (-1); The total concentration range of OCPs in surface water in summer is 0.110.20 ng L ~ (-1), with an average of 0.90 ng L ~ (-1). The seasonal pollution characteristics of PAHs in surface water in Baiyangdian spring and summer are Qiantang, Guancheng and Anxinqiao, the total PAHs concentration in summer is much higher than that in spring, while the other 9 sections are slightly higher in spring than in summer. The seasonal pollution characteristics of OCPs showed that the total concentration of OCPs in summer was higher than that in spring, while the other 11 monitoring sections were higher in spring than in summer. According to the composition of PAHs and OCPs in the surface water of Baiyangdian spring and summer, the PAHs of each monitoring section in spring was mainly composed of tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which accounted for 45.92% of the total PAHs concentration (average 52.60%). In summer, the three monitoring sections of Anxinqiao, Qiantang and Guancheng were mainly dicyclic aromatic naphthalene (Naphthalene,Nap), whose concentrations were as high as 84.91% and 78.104%, respectively, in the total concentration of PAHs. The other 9 monitoring sections were mainly tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, accounting for 37.14% of the total concentration of PAHs 53.90% (average 48.94%); In the surface water of Baiyangdian, only HCHs and DDTs were detected to some extent, and the pollution characteristics were mainly HCHs. Among them, 尾-HCH was the main HCHs in the surface water of each monitoring section in spring, accounting for 29.94100% of the total HCHs concentration. The average ratio was 59.87, while in summer, 尾-HCH was dominant in the surface water of the five monitoring sections, such as DaZhangzhuang and Guolikou, accounting for 57.55% of the total concentration of HCHs. The average ratio was 61.98. The other sections are mainly 伪-HCHs and 未-HCH. The sources of PAHs and OCPs in the surface water of Baiyangdian Lake in spring and summer were analyzed. The ratio of PAHs isomers showed that the PAHs was mainly from the combustion source, and there were oil sources in some monitoring sections. The isomer ratio of OCPs shows that its OCPs is mainly derived from environmental residues and long distance transport in the atmosphere. The concentrations of PAHs and OCPs in the surface water of Baiyangdian do not exceed the relevant water quality standards established by different countries and organizations, but 伪-HCH,p, in the surface water of Anxinqiao and Huankou are monitored. The concentration of p'-DDD exceeded the standard of human health water quality established by EPA, indicating that 伪-HCH and PTED may have a potentially harmful effect on the residents of Baiyangdian Lake area.
【作者单位】: 海河流域水环境监测中心;南开大学环境污染过程与基准教育部重点实验室;
【基金】:环境污染过程与基准教育部重点实验室开放课题项目(KL-PPEC-2015-3) 科技部国际科技合作专项(2013DFA71340) 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2012ZX07203-002)
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