[Abstract]:Based on the data of vehicle ownership and activity level in Qingdao from 2000 to 2014, the dynamic changes of emission standards and fuel quality, as well as the driving ratio and driving conditions of motor vehicles on urban roads, suburban roads and expressways are considered synthetically. Based on COPERT model and GIS technology, a high resolution vehicle emission inventory of 0.02 掳脳 0.02 掳is established. The results showed that the emission of CO,VOCs and SO_2 in Qingdao decreased from 168.68 ~ 33.57 ~ 5.27 kt in 2000 to 155.14 ~ 17.51 ~ 2.44 KT / no _ x in 2014. The emissions of PM_ (10) and CO_2 increased from 23.88U 1.22U 2647.32kt to 57.82U 2.76N 17736.06kt. The main contribution models of CO and VOCs emissions are light passenger vehicles and motorcycles, and the emissions of NO_x and PM_ (10) mainly come from heavy passenger vehicles and heavy trucks. CO_2 and SO_2 emissions mainly come from light passenger trucks and heavy trucks. The spatial distribution of motor vehicle emissions showed a decreasing trend from the city center to the edge of the city, and the distribution along the highway showed an obvious zonal distribution. The emission intensity of motor vehicles in LiCang District, Shibei District, Southern District and Chengyang District is higher than that in Pingdu City, Laixi City and Laoshan District.
【作者单位】: 济南大学资源与环境学院;
【基金】:山东省高校人文社科研究计划项目(J16YH28) 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2015DM014) 山东省教育厅人文社科项目(J12WG59) 教育部人文社科基金(13YJC790059;14YJCZH087)
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