[Abstract]:Thallium (Tl), a highly toxic heavy metal element, is bioaccumulative and exists mainly in the form of Tl (I) in nature. With the development of industry and the exploitation of thallium ore, the environmental thallium pollution is becoming more and more serious. Oxidation of highly mobile Tl (I) to Tl (III) and in situ precipitation is a promising method for treatment of thallium containing wastewater. Electrochemical technology has attracted wide attention in recent years due to its high performance and simple operation. However, there are no reports on the treatment of thallium wastewater by electrochemical technology. Based on electrochemical technology, the high efficiency treatment of thallium wastewater was realized from the aspects of power supply, anode material and in situ precipitation. In order to solve the problem of high power consumption in electrochemical technology, a new microbial fuel cell is introduced as power supply. The output power of single-chamber microbial fuel cell is up to 518.5 mW/m2, and the maximum voltage is 700 mV (1000?). With carbon felt as anode, graphite plate as cathode and aeration, the initial Tl (I) concentration of 5 mg/L,pH is 2.0, and the applied voltage is 600 mV, after electrolysis for 4 h, the anode is used as power supply, the graphite plate is used as cathode and aeration, and the initial concentration of Tl (I) is 2.0, and the applied voltage is 600 mV. The oxidation rate of Tl (I) reached 80.5 and the removal rate of total thallium was 82.3 after flocculation and precipitation. The formation of Tl (III) was confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Anode materials are particularly important for electrochemical oxidation. In order to solve the problem of weak oxidation ability of traditional anode materials, boron doped diamond film electrode (BDD) was introduced as anode, graphite plate as cathode, and the initial concentration of Tl (I) was 2.0 mg/L,pH at 10 mg/L,pH. At the current density of 5 mA/cm2, the oxidation rate of electrolytic, Tl (I) reached 99.2 after 15 min. After flocculation and precipitation, the total thallium was completely removed. The formation of Tl (III) was confirmed by XPS. The main action is the hydroxyl radical produced in the electrochemical process. Aiming at the problem that the wastewater containing thallium can be completely purified by flocculation and precipitation after electrochemical oxidation, this paper introduces an electroflocculation process to treat the wastewater containing thallium, and realizes the simultaneous flocculation of Tl (I) oxidation and product in one step. The results show that the aluminum electrode is more suitable for the treatment of thallium containing wastewater by electroflocculation. When the initial concentration of Tl (I) was 9. 0 mg/L,pH and the current density was 5 mA/cm2, the removal rate of total thallium reached 86.4% after 60 min electrolysis. The precipitation obtained from flocculation experiment was analyzed by XPS. The results showed that the main element of thallium in the precipitate was Tl (III). In summary, the effective treatment of thallium containing wastewater was realized based on electrochemical technology. The cost of electrochemical technology was reduced by using microbial fuel cell as power supply device, and the efficiency of electrochemical oxidation technology was improved by using BDD electrode. The one-step treatment of thallium wastewater was realized by using electric flocculation system. The results provided a new direction and thought for the efficient treatment of thallium containing wastewater.
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4 印霞h,